Saturday, March 28, 2015

Martyr St. Christopher is on the calendar on 24 July, but solemnly plus size clothing celebrated hi

Home About parish priest G. Parish Pastoral Council Parish Economic Council of Churches plus size clothing ključarji altar Readers plus size clothing Krasilke plus size clothing Activities plus size clothing Oratory religion Youth Group Prayer Group Choirs Vocal Group Charity Events Oznanila buildings and signs Parish Church of St. The Church of St. Stephen. The Church of St. Christopher. The Church of St. Rupert. Mateja Dom meetings Chapels Crosses Photo Impressions
Word of the living God, and called the twelve, and by two by two started to send and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He ordered them not to take the path of nothing more than a stick, nor bread, nor scrip, nor money in the band; but to have sandals on your feet and do not dress two dresses. (Mk 6.7 to 9)
ABOUT THE WORD APOSTOLI are sent to the people (Mk 6.7 to 13), Jesus gathered the twelve, and sent them to preach the gospel plus size clothing and to cast out demons. In doing so, they described the dress and clothing, they should wear to the detailed instructions on behavior. No external struggle and no external resources are not detract from the announcement: nothing but is not as preachers announced and nothing else, we can not give such announcement. Jesus said to them that two instructions plus size clothing of what to do: they must be non-complex and must be aware of their mission. Satisfy must first lodging and all meals and not go from house to house and look for something better. Clothing and accommodation need, but may not impose requirements and you do worry about it. They should recognize the importance of their announcement. Where they do not want to listen, must be given to know that the decision plus size clothing was made, which is important for personal solutions. They must not escape as beaten dogs, but must shake off the dust from your feet and thus show that is happening deep separation. Shake off the dust does mean: we are separate people, we are no longer connected to each other, plus size clothing belong to different groups, plus size clothing we do not have anything more to do with the other one. Refuse to preach means to reject the announcement. Preachers must refusal to listen and those who are reluctant to spell out how much weight has their actions. Where it for themselves, preachers must be undemanding, but where it comes to their announcement, they highlight the sharpness plus size clothing throughout its requirements. plus size clothing By: K. Stocku
Is not that deep and eloquent guide? Surely this is an encouragement for each of us. Too many unnecessary clutter carry people today through your life. Simplicity and trust in God's help, the key to be able to achieve everything. Finally, plus size clothing equipped with the latter, we can visit on the way "into the unknown". Nothing plus size clothing we do not need to worry about. With his life and example we proclaim Him who watches over us! Who is today an apostle? Is not that someone who has received the word of God to proclaim the world? Lord, preaching your words today so tired, so lame, so slightly. What is good for us if we have the baptism, the Confirmation or even op ordination consecration receive Christ's priesthood, but if our ears, however, remain deaf to the word of God? Witness the latter can be only those who live it as received from God. Only in the encounter with God uprising in us the word of God and become alive; all the power of the Holy Spirit. It is true that many people plus size clothing today talk about the crisis sermons, the lack of credibility of the Church's preaching, on faulty testimony of Christians in the world. But how could it be otherwise, if we Christians hardly ever encounter God !? In the hustle and bustle of everyday plus size clothing happenings around plus size clothing us we try to take the time to God. When we can recognize when we feel we can witness about him. We will become apostles of our time. Jesus himself encouraged us and sent between people. With the power of the Holy Spirit we can we change the world for the better. But as long as the presence of God in our lives we do not find space by the time we wandered alone remained sad at the door of cold hearts and no will to "better tomorrow." By: liturgical year B
Martyr St. Christopher is on the calendar on 24 July, but solemnly plus size clothing celebrated his god on the Sunday closest to this day. After all st. Masses will be at this day prayer for the blessing of vehicles, drivers and all those involved in transport. Bring your vehicle to the blessing that will pokropljena (only in World War II. Mass at Gomilsko will not). Of course, it's plus size clothing best to attend worship in the village of Castle, where the house of God named after St. Christopher. Therefore, this day is also the feast of the church - this year it will be during the renovation of the main altar, which also asks your support. Thank you!
Missionary Krištofovo on Sunday, 22 July 2012 MY GOD'S GIFT TO ALL SLAVI distance traveled. The Foundation Miva-Slovenia, which operates within the Mission Centre of Slovenia and is a member of the global MIVE, for several decades plus size clothing to raise funds for the means of transport in the missions. plus size clothing The major part of the funds collected go to the needs of our missionaries. On the proposal plus size clothing of each year donate plus size clothing any vehicle for the needs of non-Slovenian missionary. Let My password MIVINA campaign celebrates the gift of God for all distance traveled each

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