Sunday, July 6, 2014

Not the world, cropp not the poet, who managed to soldier cropp forward and Cove Yavrm Basij

Mohammad Kamali
July 17 92, 14:26
Hi really nice Vblagtvn Congratulations Ann Shallh both will Nsybtvn Karbala. I went twice to recall memories of Iran Karbala :-( and I am glad that you gave to our website if you would like to exchange links or Dashtyn know thats right
Hi pretty great luck Vbt Abjy Yaly
Hi Khvbshkhtanh Karbala Karbala, Iraq, Iran single cad but regret Give your intention to appeal, his mother Hazrat Zahra sure Nsybtvn Shmahm us, we pray you pray that they fail Avnyh Karbala and the world sees the ball go, I failed the world Nariman cropp Yamhdy
Speaking of heat the fasts of Ramadan came to this conclusion ...? If God wills ... I am, but no doctor will confirm all that difficult for the body? When doctors gave the same answer, you are a miracle. Say hello to my day great. cropp Allhm Jl Imam Alkhamnh Lvlyk Faraj Allhm Ahfz Qaydna a Allhm Arzqna Fi Certification Sbylk
Hi I like both of Karbala Karbala cropp Hussein single cad but dreams like theres something between sleeping and waking when I do it's like ecstasy to the days when Shaallh Hrdvsh Nsybtvn took part in all the way, but with the knowledge that I appreciate cropp your blog so nice Srzdyd Yaz hra
Hello, you have a strong link with honor.
After you've prayed again Qsmtm
Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaam dear brother. Thank you so much presence and a very well entrenched. God willing, after Qsmtt. Go to the shrine of Imam Reza (AS) and take Rvzytv. This way I Abalfzl Mnkh Karbala and the Prophet (PBUH) through Imam Reza's (AS) did. Begging prayers for abundant
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Not the world, cropp not the poet, who managed to soldier cropp forward and Cove Yavrm Basij'm not, I'm not suggesting you Drddynm right way, but I'm cropp looking forward to sitting in the dirt road was paved unaware of remembrance Rahv me, it 's my work ... Now that did not start, I look forward to a flip of a spark or maybe a way to copy the source along with it ...... I'm Hole ....

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