Saturday, July 12, 2014

New to the site criticized the silence of the international community

New to the site criticized the silence of the international community's spiritual defense against Zionist crimes Khatami, Mousavi Lari legal rights rally in support of modesty and hijab + images Gaza and Iraq is excellent communication between / Dash honor and Islamic would like identify popular design women Leaves dress Life of Imam Hassan (AS) reaction just jared Reza Khatami, the brother reminded delegates to narrow down the specific spiritual revolutionary credentials, you Rfthayd to England several times? Burns met with subtle before Wayne even if John Kerry to complete the removal of sanctions to get oil economy not open
Most popular joint invasion of Iran and America just jared Dash - Reuters: Dash occupied two of Iran's borders came to town! - Dash terrorist group killed 44 people in Baquba / Iraq, Riyadh responsible for crimes considered just jared terrorist groups in Iraq - Shiite takeover of the city, the Dash /'s news leader wounded Dash - Dash new fatwa for "Jihad Marriage" / continued terrorist attacks against the Iraqi army to back Dash with Svkhvhay Russian - was America's first strike / Dash on the verge of Jordan / two prominent just jared supporter Dash, Clergymen trusted Saud Al Thani "/ relative progress of the Iraqi army - resign, meaningless words Iranian politics - a mysterious corner just jared of the caliph just jared of the Muslims living in the world! - The decline in public panic to negotiations Baghrb - Dash terrorist groups have committed war crimes -
Most Prbhs businesses who are the real intrigue? The Assembly of Experts is no legal prohibition on women entering just jared the events in Iraq, Washington has its roots in the policies of the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague, has condemned Iran's resignation, without a word meaning beautiful honest words of Iranian politics, was sentenced to a year and a half Serbian malison judge the Iranian! If Iran and America unite over Dash .... Two to five years' imprisonment, penalties vasectomy! just jared Mr. Larijani! Must be a two-way street
Dennis Ross, a former adviser just jared to President Obama America think tank "in Washington," wrote America's readiness to reach an agreement with Iran on the nuclear issue of concern to many of our traditional allies in the Middle East. The arrangement according to Iran's increasingly likely that America will be your ally, to the Arabs empty [...]
Dennis Ross, a former adviser to President Obama America think tank "in Washington," wrote America's readiness to reach an agreement with Iran on the nuclear issue of concern to many of our traditional allies in the Middle East. The arrangement just jared according to Iran's increasingly likely that America will be your ally, the Arabs will be free from harm. For Israelis, the concern is that we achieve an agreement that the Iranians just jared are engaged Vqtyba another global crisis on the verge of becoming a nuclear state will be - a country able to escape the nuclear core. Both fear and assume the deal happen. While the consequences of the regional committee asked us to express such an agreement, we agreed that I would probably even less than 50 percent, a level that can be predicted just jared with Obama last year, I know. According to the International just jared Service "tick", given that the Iranians continue to believe that their limited proposals to address our concerns about the peaceful nature of its nuclear program, they enrichment is sufficient to the cracks just jared of conceptual belief. Do not picked leader, who talks about the nuclear program brings, it would greatly reduce the number just jared Santryfyvzhhayshan? We will address this issue, but I have to say that Iran's nuclear program just jared is not ready to back out or believes that to do so is to relieve severe sanctions. No further setback to Iran's nuclear program, the sanctions will not be going back - which means that Iranian centrifuges have greatly reduced many of enriched uranium out of the country, the Fordow must be eliminated or completely fails and the Arak heavy water reactor must change data users to be able to produce plutonium.
Iranian negotiators at the present time does not seem to be able to accept such Qbnshynyay and we're pleased to enrich bound for Iran, The same type of back, well beyond the Additional Protocol and transparency aspects of the possible military nuclear program is a necessity. Certainly if a deal is not done, Iran must take into account many expenses. They need to be convinced that such a defeat suffered severe and permanent means for the economy and are likely to use force to destroy the huge investment in the country's nuclear facilities would.
This situation just jared - which may be more likely to agree to our local friends to help remove deep concerns about a possible agreement with the P5 +1 and Iran would be helpful. Both Israel just jared and key Arab friends, we believe that we are very eager to reach a nuclear agreement and the Foreign Ministry statement that reaching agreement is better than a bad deal, not serious. They Iran actively trying to disrupt the balance of power in the region are seen, rightly or wrongly, a sign of our willingness to confront Iran's efforts not see. This process led us to the reception area of the friends that we have added this section to deal with Iran's behavior in relation to close their eyes.
The government just jared argued that apart from the challenges Iranian nuclear issue in the region, it is believed that the fears Nkasth

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