Friday, October 11, 2013

What a wonderful photos, cupcakes, why so pretty girls!! diamond Well, it

There are very few days before Christmas and this year apart from having signed with Film & Food (i will bruixetes Meves, clar ;)) with nougat diamond of 15 and soon recepta cannelloni Memòries d'una cuinera also in When food section fashion met wanted diamond to do a little celebration. So a few days ago my friend Vivs Chronicles of my closet, chic Escofet Clara ambiances and I met to prepare this post and wish you all happy holidays!
Food took a house of pain d'spices the book of Christophe Felder (pictured above), some butter cookies (recipe here) and Christmas shaped hole Heva taking the idea of boarding card and a stuffed cupcakes magnolia raspberry jam cheese frosting and crunchy hazelnut (ingredient diamond that special someone gave me, P).
Vivian wearing a white crochet dress from Zara, gray belt with bow Fun & Basics calzedonia stockings, shoes H & M hoop earrings and ring Bijou Brigitte Mango. The earrings and ring with diamonds (fake).
I wore a white dress Massimo Dutti, black belt that went with the dress, stockings calzedonia, Sitgetana shoes and earrings from a local store. Magnolia cupcakes Ingredients: 225 grams of self raising flour 190g plain flour 200 grams butter 440 grams cups sugar 4 large eggs, at room temperature 250 ml milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Raspberry jam Preheat oven to 180 º C . Sift both types of flour and set aside. In a bowl beat the butter until creamy and add sugar until incoporado. diamond Add the eggs one by one until it is homogeneous whole. Add the flour in three batches, alternating with milk and vanilla extract in two. Fill 2/3 of the capsule of cupcakes. diamond Bake 25 minutes. The let cool and took a little of the center of each cupcake. Fill with raspberry diamond jam. Frosting: Ingredients: 500 grams cream cheese 225 grams icing sugar 125 grams of butter (I did not put after seeing the blog The Gemmota to Baby Shower cuina was also ;)) Estrellitas edible hazelnut Crocanti Preparation: If put butter: melted butter and mix with sugar and cream cheese with mixer. If not: Mix sugar with cream. Escudillamos on cupcakes. We decorate with the crunchy and the stars (I also put a piece of black chocolate).
Ooooh, machine diamond il lusio form part d'aquest xulo pre-Nadal so you tingut! I Really diamond Friends one sessió spectacular guapíssimes anàveu dues them ... i you go fer de luxe Delícies join! PRETTY!! Bones meu carinyet Fiestas! Molts petonets Sandra Reply Delete
Els M'encanten Vestit as ben vostres combinats i els cupcakes, frosting aquest m'apunto, machine bona thought ..... Per the Home Decoration house :) That is quite passada festes bones Passis intriguing! Reply Delete
What a wonderful photos, cupcakes, why so pretty girls!! diamond Well, it's a post to enjoy!! Happy Holidays, Alba, I hope the pass very well in the company of your people! A big kiss :) Reply Delete
Dir-puc Què you sàpigues not ... that molt gaudir vaig sessió fent the dues to CoStat of persones who m'estimo tant which one ets i artistassa the pain d'Espices shed the conte és com i Grettel Hansel, of somni! Petonets Molts not congratulate els et pq et veig aquesta Nadals nit! Reply Delete
what a lovely post! took snack petite, you're beautiful, Dawn! Merry Christmas Reply Delete
Vaja aquesta capçelera babe of a paranoia ... jajaj These molt molt maca maca, good for them dues. Bon Nadal i bonica the proper Gaudeix any, NEXT d'un any exits per your. A petonet Reply Delete
Com és Això Ostres estrelles quan congratulate them on Nadal!! diamond quin luxe! i quines models diamond guapes month!! l'm'encanta diamond Albeta input! diamond great .... i els is provided cupcakes, Super nadalenc galetes i tot i shed an air amb molt vintage! Muaaaaaaaaaa princesss Reply Delete
Oh, how beautiful! diamond Salís food gorgeous and what to say, if I'm drooling, what charm to decorate cookies, cupcakes pintaza what, that Curran's house! And debistéis movie pass. Kisses. Reply Delete
Look I usually see the Hi, but I missed these photos! ;) You are beautiful and fashion, and in a charming atmosphere. Dear Dawn, I send my best wishes, all my love for the Holidays! Reply Delete
Ara ja that love at first sight l'és cert! m'he enamorat of entry teva ufffff ... they are almost maquíssimes photos ... is that m'agrada tot, tot i tot .... festes bones! one petonet Reply Delete diamond <

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