This month, taking advantage of the entry of the new year the food When met fashion roots section dresses up to wish a happy new year with Chic Escofet roots Ambiances that dealt with space and let us do all the decoration. Again my friend Vivs, Chronicles of my closet, convinced roots me to show I also like Christmas at the entrance and the truth is that I really enjoyed roots it but I think with this I completed my modeling career, I am ashamed roots to think that will come out my photos posted roots as I write!
But what's done is done! She dressed me again, with a maxi jersei beige with pailletes doradoas roots Stradivarius shorts from Zara, a clutch black and gold in White stockings calzedonia, necklace type bib Bijou Brigitte and shoes golden Laetitia's that I had saved by not being able to walk with them.
I fed her (: P) with a glass of iogurt i handle with crunchy hazelnut honey and very light dinner to lower year-end of the book I took Nadal Cuina, Plats de festa. Ingredients: 4 ripe mangoes roots iogures Greeks April crunchy hazelnut honey (original recipe puts nougat chips) edible sparklers (optional) Preparation: Peel and cut mango. I grind with iogurt and snuck to have no fiber. We put a little honey in a glass, add the iogurt and crowned with crunchy and starlets. I tried to alternate honey and yogurt as seen in the photo of the recipe and although it does not appreciate in the photo, is easily achieved!
The Chic Esocfet table put Ambiances with a beautiful wooden plates roots and a vintage covered very well I come: P! Even bought artificial snow and put in a drink high in the middle of the table.
Take this opportunity roots to wish you a Happy New Year 2012! Soon I hope to bring you an entry full of news because this year I have taken very seriously the New Year, New You and I have turned my life and my profession. A hug to everyone!
M'encanta the look i the brusa teu of teva friend, is super tight skirt xula amb. Seguiu AIXI! The mousse l'Haure d'pointing me that m'he nadalenques amb tornat tant extremament festes llaminera roots Petons ;)! Reply Delete
MI Guapaaaaaaa!!, But really pretty pretty pretty!!!, Is that you're beautiful but not so many tidbits views of these various trademarks! :) .. Understand me, all you chose your friend is gorgeous ... but I think I told you once ... to me that the styling and blah blah blah, because as you do not tell me much .. it is because and I have 41 and I spent the urge to brag .. I do not know. As a young girl if I was interested. Now is your yogurt that interests me :) we're going to make change one thing for another!, Now I fall more in front of a cooking magazine than a fashion :) however, it is clear the whole post is beautiful and my congratulations to all who contributed and made such beautiful things! You'd tell me what are the new courses ... that soyyyyyy gossip! Affection my Albite nice :)!!! Reply Delete
Encantat the input teva M'ha fashion look that waltz ;) per a mannequin, t'agrada not però surts potser roots intriguing, i la teva friend parlem not ... Bon any nou i molts petonets!! Reply Delete
But hey look at my sociaaaaaa!! that we agree or that of one!! maybe that's why I love her so much!! but since I've come here let me tell you that you take for finish of your modeling career ......... I do not know do not know eh! 're superfotogénica and precious! esoo so think carefully!! and ....... copitassssssss Madremía who unaaaa roots cogiera!! deliciosasssss!! I would continue roots with the two things, really, you are given all 10! and do not listen to the evil of my partner who just likes the food and goes around with a pintassss! jajajaajajaja! roots do not tell any of this eh! crujeeeeee me! Salsa Besiños friend!! Tito Reply Delete
Guapa month that beautiful!!! aquestes amb ara agulles monitors prenguis not bad ... Jo tinc aquest També llibre of receptes! i tot that any non-heme aquest entrat the cuina massa ... if I go to the teva amb pajamas peücs amb i covered one of Coloraines manteta! ho not sàpiga the teva friend! petonets Reply Delete
Però dir Ja em t'ho roots vaig repeteixo: You look beautiful! Bé, a program that ets ho ... Tampoc no és d'estranyar! ;) I go molt beautiful! lol I'll take the cup, the handle-iogurt m'encanta combinatio roots ... però vull me prendre en aquest ambient, meravella machine! Feliç 2012 carinyet ... visca nova life! ;) Petonets Sandra Reply Delete
Ostres Alba! Quina elegance! Jo aquests talons would not know or com-me'ls pose ... I Això model fer dóna se't molt bé, i tot the chap i Vivs aixeca càmera watches one seguretat amb ... Aquesta molt bona fa pint glass, if i tor
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