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Word of the living God apostles gathered to Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught. He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a little!" Many of them is coming and commuted to still not have time to eat. (Mk 6.30 to 31)
ABOUT THE WORD settle down - Take time for yourself (Mk 6.30 to 34) Bible, a unique treasure trove of human and divine wisdom says that a man in this world traveler, and that there can not find their true home and true homeland. He knew already Saint Augustine, the great genius of the Christian from the 5th century, when talking about the troubled human heart. He, too, was restless seeker; powered by the pleasures of this world, until he realized why all this is not enough, why not complete and happy. Something similar experience citizen to me, today's citizen automotive nomads: the car has become indispensable; We see in it a symbol of personal freedom and autonomy. However, we really brings so desirable freedom? Do not force us every day that a snail driving in dense column, even if the location does not get stuck because of a deadlock or we have an empty circulate around town? Even more sad is to determine the cultural level of some drivers. Have you noticed how arrogant and raw become some of the otherwise peaceful people, once sat behind the wheel? At our holiday habits can start thinking about ourselves and maybe instead of accumulating kilometers off on a larger, citizen different, unusual journey and search. Does not really a worthwhile trip, especially when you get in the daily limitations and we discover what is eternal when searching for the face of God and exceed the limits of natural? It is a journey into the world of spirit. Worth a try! We may be just that bring true freedom. Because of this eventually all consciously or unconsciously yearn. Jesus gives us a very wise counsel, perfect for all sorts of exaggerations of our time: "Come citizen away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a little!" Some of these soothing solitude and physical and mental rest afford in these summer days! By: B. Dolenc
16th Sunday of the year - Christopher Sunday saw them but to go, and many are this became known: and of all the cities on foot rushed there and came before them. When Jesus stepped out, saw a great multitude; citizen he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach mnogokaj. (Mk 6.33 to 34)
We are all now very much linked to the means of transport. citizen Christopher us Sunday every year in July connect in common prayer and request to our Heavenly citizen Father to us all through the intercession of St. Christopher guards on all journeys on all paths of our lives. Drivers, as well as others, on this occasion, give your gift for the happy mileage. How powerful is this gift and how to solve for our missionaries and people in the third world, eloquently testify to the vehicle, the result of this action Miva. To be missionaries to carry out their humanitarian mission in need of means of transport. Their work is mostly in places that are very distant from the centers. Well vehicle allows them to be transported to these places food, building materials, teachers, catechists, and children in particular patients and thus save lives. Christopher Sunday is so abundant blessing for all drivers, as they in addition blessing God bestows the awareness that must drive responsibly and wisely. citizen But there is a special citizen blessing by God through the gifts collected on this Sunday for the campaign MIVA, pays tribute to our missionaries, allowing them to be safe and rescue pot especially after roadless areas of Africa, Asia and South America. Christopher Sunday also connects us with God's goodness and God's citizen protection. citizen Our loving it embraces the missionaries and the people in mission lands.
Christopher SUNDAY, 22/07/2012 feast of the patron saint (patron) of the church in the village of Castle, the feast of the patron saint of drivers and intercessor for a happy journey. Missionary Krištofovo on Sunday, 22 July 2012 MY GOD'S GIFT TO ALL SLAVI distance traveled. After all st. masses at the exit you will get a sticker and put your gift to the missions. God is back!
This week the name day celebration - July 28: SV. VIKTOR Pope Victor I was one of the greatest martyrs-popes in the early Christian centuries. He was an African. Even in his youth he tamed in Rome and there completed the study; then adopted the religious orders. citizen As a priest he excelled in quick perception, acumen, sturdy character and skillful life. When he died in 189. Pope Eleuterus, by the people and clergy unanimously elected to the highest ecclesiastical dignity. Holy Viktor great fit indexed with dignity. Bold took the helm in the hands of the nave
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