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Recent Articles Useful properties of cherries Useful properties pear Carrots, Onions useful properties: Recipes for Health and Beauty Amazing Cranberry Holubika - berry number one! The healing properties of tomato juice Strawberry Strawberry Albion - berry health Planting and treatment cucumbers Apple Melon Nectarine Miracle cures vegetable, beets Cranberry and its healing properties
apricot beet grapes 1v1y strawberry pumpkin gladioli Goji peas mushrooms melon watermelon cranberry cabbage klubnyka mail lemon lily raspberries raspberry mail carrot seeds carrot seeds mycelium cucumber 1v1y cucumber cucumber blackberry nectarine pepper strawberries strawberry strawberry Albion mail email email beet beet seed potatoes by mail post mail strawberries cucumber seeds by mail strawberry seed radish tomato tomatoes tomato Email Email roses cauliflower onion blueberry figs
Categories of articles Stocks Video interestingness Medical News Recommendation articles our product tag cloud apricot beet grapes strawberry pumpkin gladioli Goji peas mushrooms cranberry melon watermelon cabbage klubnyka mail lemon lily raspberries raspberry mail mycelium carrot seeds carrot seeds cucumber cucumber cucumber blackberry nectarine pepper Strawberry Strawberry Strawberry Albion email email email beet beet seed potatoes email email email cucumber seeds strawberry strawberry seeds by mail radishes tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes Email Email roses cauliflower onion blueberry figs Calendar items
March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 September 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 September 2012 April 2012 Yyul 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011
Po inshomu it is called: lymonna mint, myatochnik, lymonna grass, grassy 1v1y medivka.Tse bahatorichna roslyna, 1v1y utvoryuye very rozhaluzhenyy bush, vysotoyu from 20 cm till the 80 cm. M'yako opuscheni Stems, leaves suprotyvni, chereshkovi with krupnozubchatye edge. Melissa is cultivated 1v1y as a medicinal roslyna, inodi runs wild.
With likuvalnoyu metoyu vykorystovuyut ground of roslyny with flowers, without odrevesnelyh lower parts of the stem. Her zahotovlyayut pochatkom before flowering and dried in shvydko dobre provitryuvanomu room.
In medicine zastosovuyut balm in zahvoryuvanni stomach nevrozah heart hipertoniyi, asthma, sudomah as tonizuyuchyy agent. Vona zaspokoyuye nervovu system, stimulates appetite, polehshuye koliky 1v1y caused zatrymkoyu gas stops blyuvotu. Rekomenduyetsya migraines, bezsonni, pidvyschenoyi statevoyi zbudlyvosti at nervovoyi slabkosti, bolisnyh menstruation, skin rashes. Zovnishno infusion Melissa zastosovuyetsya for pryparok and kompresiv with boils and poloskan with gingivitis when zubnomu bolyu. Vona vhodyat and till the composition aromatychnyh baths, and takozh 1v1y used as a means chto polipshuye obmin rechovyn in orhanizmi.
Infusion Melissa likarskoyi (inside): 8 lozhok podribnenoyi 1v1y tea herb lemon balm poured glasses dvoma okropu, maintain protyahom pivhodyny in dobre zakrytomu posudi, carried or termosi, potim protsidyty. It will dobova doza. Infusion for pryparok hotuyut with podviynoyi kilkosti syrovyny.
Average doza pryyomu Melissa - 1 tbsp. lozhka herbs in a glass okropu, nastoyuyut 7-10 minutes. and drink only warm and svizhopryhotovanyy infusion (you may wish not to heat). This tea is the best drink to snom no less than hodynu after eating. Till the cup of tea you may wish dodaty lozhechku teaspoon of honey.
If applicable boli bother you in the stomach, 1v1y verily brew balm better half with m'yatoyu pertsevoyu. Broth Melissa proyavlyaye spasmodic and hazorozhonyuyuchu effect 1v1y in funktsionalnyh zahvoryuvannyah intestine. After her pryyomu zaspokoyuyutsya koliky of delay gases polipshuyetsya selection 1v1y shlunkovoho soku. Pryyom takoho tea rekomenduyut at kolitah and flatulence, with vehetosudynnoyi dystoniyi at all nervovyh 1v1y hvorobah, bezsonni, fear, pidvyschenoyi statevoyi zbudlyvosti.
Spyrtova nastoyanka melissa (at horiltsi carried or alcohol) hotuyetsya in spivvidnoshenni 1: 5. Take iGO My way vnutrishno 15 drops 3 times a day. Melissa takozh vykorystovuyetsya in the perfume and harchoviy promyslovosti.
Decoction Melissa: 10 g suhoyi podribnenoyi herbs pour 1 sklyankoyu vody protyahom and simmer 10 minutes. 1v1y Potim protsidyty and drink iGO My way lozhtsi 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with some formah asthma zahvoryuvannyah stomach nevrozah heart, respiratory tract.
Vykorystovuyut it as a means protyblyuvotnyy pregnant at toksykozi, bolisnyh menstruation and menopause nevrozah, inflammation of the appendages, and takozh elevated statevoyi zbudlyvosti: 10 g suhoyi 1v1y podribnenoyi herb lemon balm pour 1 sklyankoyu okropu, nastoyaty 1 hodynu. Potim protsidyty iGO My way and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
Vona korysna at diyetychnomu diet: when pohanomu digestion, vidsutnosti appetite, perevtomi. Leaves and grass Melissa before flowering to be carried or samomu yoho pochatku eat a spicy seasoning (in svizhomu and suhomu form). Her dodayut in salads, soups, sousy,
Recent Articles Useful properties of cherries Useful properties pear Carrots, Onions useful properties: Recipes for Health and Beauty Amazing Cranberry Holubika - berry number one! The healing properties of tomato juice Strawberry Strawberry Albion - berry health Planting and treatment cucumbers Apple Melon Nectarine Miracle cures vegetable, beets Cranberry and its healing properties
apricot beet grapes 1v1y strawberry pumpkin gladioli Goji peas mushrooms melon watermelon cranberry cabbage klubnyka mail lemon lily raspberries raspberry mail carrot seeds carrot seeds mycelium cucumber 1v1y cucumber cucumber blackberry nectarine pepper strawberries strawberry strawberry Albion mail email email beet beet seed potatoes by mail post mail strawberries cucumber seeds by mail strawberry seed radish tomato tomatoes tomato Email Email roses cauliflower onion blueberry figs
Categories of articles Stocks Video interestingness Medical News Recommendation articles our product tag cloud apricot beet grapes strawberry pumpkin gladioli Goji peas mushrooms cranberry melon watermelon cabbage klubnyka mail lemon lily raspberries raspberry mail mycelium carrot seeds carrot seeds cucumber cucumber cucumber blackberry nectarine pepper Strawberry Strawberry Strawberry Albion email email email beet beet seed potatoes email email email cucumber seeds strawberry strawberry seeds by mail radishes tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes Email Email roses cauliflower onion blueberry figs Calendar items
March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 September 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 September 2012 April 2012 Yyul 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011
Po inshomu it is called: lymonna mint, myatochnik, lymonna grass, grassy 1v1y medivka.Tse bahatorichna roslyna, 1v1y utvoryuye very rozhaluzhenyy bush, vysotoyu from 20 cm till the 80 cm. M'yako opuscheni Stems, leaves suprotyvni, chereshkovi with krupnozubchatye edge. Melissa is cultivated 1v1y as a medicinal roslyna, inodi runs wild.
With likuvalnoyu metoyu vykorystovuyut ground of roslyny with flowers, without odrevesnelyh lower parts of the stem. Her zahotovlyayut pochatkom before flowering and dried in shvydko dobre provitryuvanomu room.
In medicine zastosovuyut balm in zahvoryuvanni stomach nevrozah heart hipertoniyi, asthma, sudomah as tonizuyuchyy agent. Vona zaspokoyuye nervovu system, stimulates appetite, polehshuye koliky 1v1y caused zatrymkoyu gas stops blyuvotu. Rekomenduyetsya migraines, bezsonni, pidvyschenoyi statevoyi zbudlyvosti at nervovoyi slabkosti, bolisnyh menstruation, skin rashes. Zovnishno infusion Melissa zastosovuyetsya for pryparok and kompresiv with boils and poloskan with gingivitis when zubnomu bolyu. Vona vhodyat and till the composition aromatychnyh baths, and takozh 1v1y used as a means chto polipshuye obmin rechovyn in orhanizmi.
Infusion Melissa likarskoyi (inside): 8 lozhok podribnenoyi 1v1y tea herb lemon balm poured glasses dvoma okropu, maintain protyahom pivhodyny in dobre zakrytomu posudi, carried or termosi, potim protsidyty. It will dobova doza. Infusion for pryparok hotuyut with podviynoyi kilkosti syrovyny.
Average doza pryyomu Melissa - 1 tbsp. lozhka herbs in a glass okropu, nastoyuyut 7-10 minutes. and drink only warm and svizhopryhotovanyy infusion (you may wish not to heat). This tea is the best drink to snom no less than hodynu after eating. Till the cup of tea you may wish dodaty lozhechku teaspoon of honey.
If applicable boli bother you in the stomach, 1v1y verily brew balm better half with m'yatoyu pertsevoyu. Broth Melissa proyavlyaye spasmodic and hazorozhonyuyuchu effect 1v1y in funktsionalnyh zahvoryuvannyah intestine. After her pryyomu zaspokoyuyutsya koliky of delay gases polipshuyetsya selection 1v1y shlunkovoho soku. Pryyom takoho tea rekomenduyut at kolitah and flatulence, with vehetosudynnoyi dystoniyi at all nervovyh 1v1y hvorobah, bezsonni, fear, pidvyschenoyi statevoyi zbudlyvosti.
Spyrtova nastoyanka melissa (at horiltsi carried or alcohol) hotuyetsya in spivvidnoshenni 1: 5. Take iGO My way vnutrishno 15 drops 3 times a day. Melissa takozh vykorystovuyetsya in the perfume and harchoviy promyslovosti.
Decoction Melissa: 10 g suhoyi podribnenoyi herbs pour 1 sklyankoyu vody protyahom and simmer 10 minutes. 1v1y Potim protsidyty and drink iGO My way lozhtsi 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with some formah asthma zahvoryuvannyah stomach nevrozah heart, respiratory tract.
Vykorystovuyut it as a means protyblyuvotnyy pregnant at toksykozi, bolisnyh menstruation and menopause nevrozah, inflammation of the appendages, and takozh elevated statevoyi zbudlyvosti: 10 g suhoyi 1v1y podribnenoyi herb lemon balm pour 1 sklyankoyu okropu, nastoyaty 1 hodynu. Potim protsidyty iGO My way and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
Vona korysna at diyetychnomu diet: when pohanomu digestion, vidsutnosti appetite, perevtomi. Leaves and grass Melissa before flowering to be carried or samomu yoho pochatku eat a spicy seasoning (in svizhomu and suhomu form). Her dodayut in salads, soups, sousy,
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