Sunday, August 31, 2014

2014 (63) May (39) January (24) 2013 (111) Oktyabr (13) September (25) Yyul (21) Ma

Preparations from the leaves of lemon balm are valued primarily as an effective sedative. Cardiac disease disappears dyspnea, tachycardia attacks cease, disappear pain in the heart. Melissa is particularly useful in elderly patients. The people it is used for depression, superstar migraines, atherosclerosis, dizziness, noise in the ears, insomnia, vegetative neurosis, tachycardia, cramps of the stomach superstar and intestines, superstar indigestion, loss of appetite, chronic constipation and flatulence, gynecological diseases, painful menstruation, with increased sexual excitability. Asthma. 4 tablespoons of lemon balm leaves and flowers pour 2 cups hot water nozzle, leave for 4 hours. Drink half a cup 3 times a day before meals. Take as long as you get bored. Then replace other means of treatment and return to Melissa and a half to two months. Angina. A teaspoon of herbs to brew in a glass of hot water nozzle, leave 1.5 hours. Take half a cup 2 times a day in the form of support is in acute period of the disease. Emphysema. 50 g herb lemon balm and 20 g of dried inflorescences syvtsya meadow (can be purchased from herbalists) to 1 liter of dry white wine. Infuse day. Drink half a cup 2 times a day, as well as attacks. * Side effects * Melissa in a bit. Excessive it can cause a burning sensation during superstar urination, and headache. Not indicated Melissa at very low blood pressure. superstar Do not take lemon balm extract with bradycardia as heart rate less than 60 beats per minute.
2014 (63) May (39) January (24) 2013 (111) Oktyabr (13) September (25) Yyul (21) May (11) April (11) March (24) January (6) 2012 (142) December (25) November (49) Blackcurrant Synoholovnyk ploskolystyy superstar - thistle Beet Rowan (Rus. Rowan) superstar Rosemary officinalis Rosa (Rus. rose) Ruta fragrant rice seeds Chamomile Typha angustifolia - cane Rhodiola rosea golden superstar root-Dream-grass garden Turnip superstar Peach Motherwort couch Wheat Tomato wormwood Sunflower Plantain Parsley Pepper sweet bitter nightshade Primrose drug Shepherd's purse Fern Aspen (buds) Corn Dandelion - healing properties of Seabuckthorn Seed Oats foxglove Peppermint Amanita muscaria Euphorbia marsh Juniper (rus Mozhzhevelnyk) Melissa lungwort mother-and-stepmother Raspberry Lovage - Onion star Lipa contains phytohormones hazelnut hazelnut Flax - Flax seed Corn Treatment and prevention superstar of lemon healing properties of salt Oktyabr (68)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Posted by gabbsourvige on May 12, 2012

Vegetables brought to perfection traffic digestion, due to increased secretion of digestive glands. Natural vegetables simsimi contain fiber, which improves intestinal peristalsis, and in the other they are expelled from the body gracefully cholesterol. Elderly people simsimi to prevent atherosclerosis is recommended to use the succulent vegetables, as they reinforce the walls of blood vessels.
In case you have trouble with heart disease and vegetables you really need. Have a look at the signs of healing fruit. Interpretative mother baby do not give candy and fruit kakraz. Whatever it was, they are infinitely right product and a completely harmless.
Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as carrots. It should be noted that in addition to apples, pears and alternative fruits in the market may now purchase and foreign fruit, among other things that are good for the human body. Do not go to the mall by dried fruits. simsimi
Posted by gabbsourvige on May 12, 2012
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Friday, August 29, 2014

Melissa (Lemon Mint) - herbaceous perennial plant that reaches a height of 60 cm. Leaves opposite,

Melissa (Lemon Mint) - herbaceous perennial plant that reaches a height of 60 cm. Leaves opposite, ovate, pubescent. The flowers are white. The fruits - nuts. Blooms in June and September. Melissa has a lemon smell.
The leaves contain an essential oil (0.3%), ascorbic acid, carotene, mucus, resins, tannins, coffee, oleanolovuyu yoga pants and ursolic acid. Use leaves and shoot tips of flowers. Collect them have the time of flowering. Has vitrohinnu, sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic, lowers blood pressure effect. Enhances the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses nausea and vomiting. Protects from bee sting.
Emphysema Take 50 g of dry powdered herb lemon balm, 20 g of dried inflorescences Siwiec meadow, pour 1 liter of dry white wine, brew day, occasionally shaking, drain. Drink 1.2 cups 2 times a day, as well as attacks.
Chronic enterocolitis Take 4 tablespoons of the leaves and tops of shoots with flowers balm, brew 1 cup of boiled water, a thermos 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals.
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Moment of attention for those who are looking for information on Treatment in Israel advise your lo

Melissa officinalis | Site People medetsyny
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Melissa officinalis (Melissa officinalis) - A perennial plant of the family Labiatae (yasnotkovi). Rhizome branching. The plant height of 30-120 cm. Stem Melissa branched. Leaves cordate-ovate, petiolate. The whole plant is soft-hairy. Flowers white or pink tint, in axillary clusters. When grinding melysa gives lemon scent. Blossoms balm in July - August. It grows in forest glades, ravines, shady canyons. Rasprostranenna in central and southern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, North Africa and America. It is grown in many countries.
Moment of attention for those who are looking for information on Treatment in Israel advise your location and view more details about the treatment of informatsiyuye and all that is associated with it. And we continue! Apply balm.
In balm contains essential oil, tannins, arena phenolcarbonic acids, macro (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium) and trace elements (manganese, zinc, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, selenium, vanadium), vitamins C, B1, B2? - carotene, flavonoids.
Traditional medicine uses balm as a carminative, arena diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory, antiviral, improves appetite means. Its use in hypertension, arena tachycardia, asthma, arena migraine, neuralgia, insomnia, arena painful menstruation, uterine diseases, to enhance lactation in toxicosis in pregnant women. As a diuretic atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis. In the form of poultices and compresses for bruises, ulcers, rheumatism, rinse for toothache and gingivitis.
Ice tea with lemon balm good tonic and hot diaphoretic for colds. Over half tablespoons balm and mint mix pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infuse hour, covered arena with a lid.
Interesting articles about popular methods of treatment

Melissa officinalis - Melissa officinalis L. Labiatae Family - Labiatae In Ukraine, ladies a very p

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Melissa officinalis - Melissa officinalis L. Labiatae Family - Labiatae In Ukraine, ladies a very popular plant in traditional medicine as well as among beekeepers. Melissa - excellent honey plant. Sow a balm in gardens and beds. This sontselyubna and moisture-loving plants. It grows at a place not more than 2 years, then dries. Seeds bright black, small, light, carried by wind over considerable distances. The plant is capable of considerable self-seeding. After that it is desirable to sow in pots. The stem is quadrangular, branched, high. Sometimes up to a height of 1 m or more. The plant is fragrant, wrinkled leaves, large-toothed, petiolate. The flowers are whitish or pink with red spots. Begins to bloom in mid-June and blooms until late autumn (up to frost). Leaves and milled (fresh and dried) lemon smell. The plant is dried in a warm well-ventilated area and keep in close container. Extracts of the leaves - effective sedative (calming) tool. Particularly useful are they for the elderly. Infusion of leaves removed spasmodic phenomena, reduce the tension of smooth muscles of the intestine, acting as a means of stimulating appetite - increase the secretion of digestive glands. There are bacteriostatic and antiviral properties of the plant. Usually balm is used in nervous excitement, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, arrhythmias, changes in blood pressure, ladies digestive disorders, vegetative neurosis. Often, a plant used in a mixture of mint, chamomile, valerian and other herbs. Fresh leaves of lemon balm include therapeutic and preventive diet: finely ladies chopped leaves added to salads vitamin. So juicy, flavorful dish. Zovnishno use - nastiy grass (1:10) ladies is used for washing wounds, ulcers, dermatitis, ladies ekzemi, boils, acne youth, diathesis. The leaves and young shoots, cut to bloom, fresh and dried form use in pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, as a seasoning for yushok, salads, mushrooms, fish dishes, for marinades and compotes to provide flavor tea, vinegar, wines.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Melissa Melissa - one of the most famous medicinal and aromatic plants. It grew Romans two thousand years ago. And the word "balm" in Greek means "bee, honey." Bees are very like the smell of lemon balm and therefore larepubblica beekeepers rub the hive walls of this grass.
As a balm herb harvested during flowering. It is the basis for tea, which is consumed in nervous excitement, bez sonni, neuralgia, diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Melissa - very gentle spice that is used in fresh and dried form. Finely chopped leaves of the plant are placed in summer salads, vegetables and dried herbs used in mixtures with other herbs, adding to meat and fish salads in winter, rice dishes, baked apples. She flavored fruit drinks, compotes, home brew and wine. It is indispensable in home canning, pickling larepubblica with tomatoes and cucumbers, fermented cabbage (add dry powder). Almost every meal, which uses lemon juice, larepubblica you can put a few leaves of lemon balm.
Equally useful is and lofant. If you sit for half an hour at the plantation larepubblica of plants or chew 3-5 young leaves, then felt a surge of strength and energy. Lofant - very frost resistant and undemanding plant with spike inflorescences. Starting from the second year of cultivation, gives two crops during the summer. Infusions and teas lofantu enhance immunity, strength returns after stress, restore health larepubblica after a stroke, heart attack, hypertensive crises. There preventive measure in diseases of the heart, liver, bronchi. The fresh and dried leaves of the plant are used much like lemon balm leaves.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Methods reporter of application and dosage balm. Tea with lemon balm - the main form of taking this

Melissa officinalis. |
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Nuclear-cytoplasmic transport of proteins
Adenopatiyi. Evaluation of lymph nodes Asphyxia. Types of mechanical asphyxia autolysis of tissues reporter and organs structure of the cell structure of the stomach. The structure of intestinal viral infection of the fetus and newborn excretory system. Hematopoietic system Type Definition fabrics sex cells gunshot wound. Slaughter brain histology of cell division. Sex chromatin childhood infections. Immunity fetus and newborn Electrical and radiation injury Embrionolohiya pathology inflammation and lymph nodes. Oncology lymph nodes and blood circulation in the body change reporter pathological changes of body tissues in pathology Bone and muscle tissue criminal abortion. Newborn and fetal intestinal infections in children. Causes of infant sepsis hemorrhage. Evaluation of healing the human body lymph node. Research lymph node Lymphomas of Mature B-cell lymphoma. reporter Lipoma leukemia lymphocytes. Methods reporter for assessing accessories liposarcoma cell morphology of congenital infections. Morphology neonatal infections lymphomas. Types of Lymphoma Morphology Contusion of the brain. Embolism various origins reporter neoplasms reporter of connective tissue Organ of hearing and balance. Musculoskeletal system features of cancer cells. Diagnosis of tumors pathomorphosis reporter tumor. Cytological diagnosis. Pathomorphology skin tissue derivatives. reporter Digestive System Private histology. Nerve tissue. Reasons tumor antitumor immunity. Pathomorphosis tumor. Purple and granuloma skin tumors of the larynx. Lung cancer tumors of the gall bladder and papillary reporter tumors of the intestine. Tumors of the liver tumors of muscle and vascular tissue tumors of soft tissue tumors reporter of the nose and paranasal sinus tumors of the pancreas, kidney, bladder, prostate tumors and thyroid tumors of the bladder. Tumors of the vagina and vulva tumors of the esophagus and stomach tumors and uterine cervical tumors Testicular reporter Cancer Tumor cells of middle and inner ear development of tumor cardiovascular system. Respiratory system reporter T lymphoma. Types of T-lymphoma cancer Theories of thermal reporter burns. general hypothermia fibroma. Fibrosarcoma. Cytological picture of tumors Cytology egg. Embryogenesis
Botanical description balm. Melissa reporter - perennial 30-70 cm tall. The stem is quadrangular, branched, leaves are opposite, ovate, rounded-rhombic, pubescent. The flowers are bluish-white or pale purple, collected in a false ring to 6-12. Flowering period June - August. Fruit balm is a four egg-shaped nut, ripens in August and September.
Distribution balm in nature. Melissa is from the eastern Mediterranean, widely cultivated in gardens. Currently in the wild is found in South and Central Europe, the Caucasus, North Africa and North America. Prefers edges of forests, ravines, gorges.
Collection, preparation and storage balm. Leaves balm better collected in the flowering period, as at this time they have a better taste and smell. For better preservation of essential oil raw materials reporter should be carefully reporter dried at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. The essential oil is obtained from fresh leaves by steam distillation.
Active substances balm. Essential oil - an essential component of Melissa. It contains caryophyllene, citral and tsytronelal. reporter Except it leaves contain flavonoids, bitter tannins reporter and minerals.
Indications for use balm. Melissa is widely used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, cardiac neurosis, asthma, seizures, in the absence of appetite, intestinal colic, vomiting, as a general tonic. Melissa calms the nervous system, reporter is indicated for migraine, insomnia, painful menstruation. Externally it is used for abrasions as poultices and compresses to rinse for gingivitis.
Methods reporter of application and dosage balm. Tea with lemon balm - the main form of taking this medicinal plant. To prepare it, you need 3 teaspoons crushed dried leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Insomnia and increased excitability recommended prolonged use of tea in 2 cups per day, this gives the maximum dose sedation. Also, this tea has a positive effect in the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It provides reporter antispasmodic and carminative action is often prescribed for flatulence and diseases accompanied

Monday, August 25, 2014

Tea assembly with Melissa. Take 2 parts dried blackberry express leaves, 1 - linden flower 1 - wild

Melissa - seeds, seedlings, bulbs online store
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Found in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Central Asia, the Crimea. Cultivated as honey and efirnooliyna plant. The letter contains from 70 mg% to 150 mg% vitamin C, coffee, oleanolova, ursolova acid, tannins, bitter substances and others. express In addition, Melissa express found 1 mg% copper.
It grows in weedy areas on the fringes, among the bushes. express Very good honey plant, provides up to 150 kg honey per hectare, and honey pleasant aroma and exquisite taste. The people call it lemon grass, lemon mint, matoch-nytseyu, royovnykom, bee grass. Planted in the garden or in the garden, lemon balm grows long, survives well in open sun areas.
The old Arabic express proverb says: "The infusion of fresh shoots and leaves of lemon balm drives from the heart and fills the longing soul with joy." Avicenna recommended lemon balm herb and seeds of many diseases, it is claimed that Melissa give vitality, strengthens the heart and body, it is extremely useful for the liver and digestive system, regulates sexual action and so on.
Melisova volatile oil is used to flavor medicines used in the food and fragrance industry. Ukraine Traditional medicine has long been used lemon balm with nervousness heart, some forms of asthma, pregnant women against vomiting, anemia, to normalize menstruation as a medium: tonic, analgesic, protyspazma-democratic, vitrohinnyy, diuretic, digestive stimulant, weakening, while soothing jitters .
The leaves and young shoots, cut to bloom, fresh and dried form use in pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, as a seasoning for yushok, salads, mushrooms, fish dishes, for marinades and compotes to provide flavor tea, vinegar, wines.
Potato salad with lemon balm. 400 g potato, 50 g lemon balm, chives 50 g, 50 g sour cream, salt to taste. Prepared with boiled potatoes and salad yashynkovanoyi express onions, sprinkle with finely chopped lemon balm and pour sour cream.
Yushok salad with lemon balm. 50 g of dry powdered nettle, 25 g of dry oregano powder, 75 g of dry powder Melissa. Thoroughly mix the powders stored in a dry and dark place. Drink refills finished soup.
Tea assembly with Melissa. Take 2 parts dried blackberry express leaves, 1 - linden flower 1 - wild strawberry leaves, 2 - Melissa. Everything chop, mix and use for brewing tea. Store in a dark and dry place.
2011 Seeds, express bulbs mail - Your home and garden +. All rights reserved. When copying materials reference seeds, seedlings, bulbs, fungi mycelium mail necessarily.

Decoction Melissa: 10 g suhoyi podribnenoyi herbs pour 1 sklyankoyu vody protyahom and simmer 10 mi

Melissa - your family doctor - seeds, seedlings, bulbs online store
Recent Articles Useful properties of cherries Useful properties pear Carrots, Onions useful properties: Recipes for Health and Beauty Amazing Cranberry Holubika - berry number one! The healing properties of tomato juice Strawberry Strawberry Albion - berry health Planting and treatment cucumbers Apple Melon Nectarine Miracle cures vegetable, beets Cranberry and its healing properties
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Categories of articles Stocks Video interestingness Medical News Recommendation articles our product tag cloud apricot beet grapes strawberry pumpkin gladioli Goji peas mushrooms cranberry melon watermelon cabbage klubnyka mail lemon lily raspberries raspberry mail mycelium carrot seeds carrot seeds cucumber cucumber cucumber blackberry nectarine pepper Strawberry Strawberry Strawberry Albion email email email beet beet seed potatoes email email email cucumber seeds strawberry strawberry seeds by mail radishes tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes Email Email roses cauliflower onion blueberry figs Calendar items
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Po inshomu it is called: lymonna mint, myatochnik, lymonna grass, grassy 1v1y medivka.Tse bahatorichna roslyna, 1v1y utvoryuye very rozhaluzhenyy bush, vysotoyu from 20 cm till the 80 cm. M'yako opuscheni Stems, leaves suprotyvni, chereshkovi with krupnozubchatye edge. Melissa is cultivated 1v1y as a medicinal roslyna, inodi runs wild.
With likuvalnoyu metoyu vykorystovuyut ground of roslyny with flowers, without odrevesnelyh lower parts of the stem. Her zahotovlyayut pochatkom before flowering and dried in shvydko dobre provitryuvanomu room.
In medicine zastosovuyut balm in zahvoryuvanni stomach nevrozah heart hipertoniyi, asthma, sudomah as tonizuyuchyy agent. Vona zaspokoyuye nervovu system, stimulates appetite, polehshuye koliky 1v1y caused zatrymkoyu gas stops blyuvotu. Rekomenduyetsya migraines, bezsonni, pidvyschenoyi statevoyi zbudlyvosti at nervovoyi slabkosti, bolisnyh menstruation, skin rashes. Zovnishno infusion Melissa zastosovuyetsya for pryparok and kompresiv with boils and poloskan with gingivitis when zubnomu bolyu. Vona vhodyat and till the composition aromatychnyh baths, and takozh 1v1y used as a means chto polipshuye obmin rechovyn in orhanizmi.
Infusion Melissa likarskoyi (inside): 8 lozhok podribnenoyi 1v1y tea herb lemon balm poured glasses dvoma okropu, maintain protyahom pivhodyny in dobre zakrytomu posudi, carried or termosi, potim protsidyty. It will dobova doza. Infusion for pryparok hotuyut with podviynoyi kilkosti syrovyny.
Average doza pryyomu Melissa - 1 tbsp. lozhka herbs in a glass okropu, nastoyuyut 7-10 minutes. and drink only warm and svizhopryhotovanyy infusion (you may wish not to heat). This tea is the best drink to snom no less than hodynu after eating. Till the cup of tea you may wish dodaty lozhechku teaspoon of honey.
If applicable boli bother you in the stomach, 1v1y verily brew balm better half with m'yatoyu pertsevoyu. Broth Melissa proyavlyaye spasmodic and hazorozhonyuyuchu effect 1v1y in funktsionalnyh zahvoryuvannyah intestine. After her pryyomu zaspokoyuyutsya koliky of delay gases polipshuyetsya selection 1v1y shlunkovoho soku. Pryyom takoho tea rekomenduyut at kolitah and flatulence, with vehetosudynnoyi dystoniyi at all nervovyh 1v1y hvorobah, bezsonni, fear, pidvyschenoyi statevoyi zbudlyvosti.
Spyrtova nastoyanka melissa (at horiltsi carried or alcohol) hotuyetsya in spivvidnoshenni 1: 5. Take iGO My way vnutrishno 15 drops 3 times a day. Melissa takozh vykorystovuyetsya in the perfume and harchoviy promyslovosti.
Decoction Melissa: 10 g suhoyi podribnenoyi herbs pour 1 sklyankoyu vody protyahom and simmer 10 minutes. 1v1y Potim protsidyty and drink iGO My way lozhtsi 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with some formah asthma zahvoryuvannyah stomach nevrozah heart, respiratory tract.
Vykorystovuyut it as a means protyblyuvotnyy pregnant at toksykozi, bolisnyh menstruation and menopause nevrozah, inflammation of the appendages, and takozh elevated statevoyi zbudlyvosti: 10 g suhoyi 1v1y podribnenoyi herb lemon balm pour 1 sklyankoyu okropu, nastoyaty 1 hodynu. Potim protsidyty iGO My way and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
Vona korysna at diyetychnomu diet: when pohanomu digestion, vidsutnosti appetite, perevtomi. Leaves and grass Melissa before flowering to be carried or samomu yoho pochatku eat a spicy seasoning (in svizhomu and suhomu form). Her dodayut in salads, soups, sousy,

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Shampunevoe mыlo

Believe jewelry that the magical properties of Balm - the ability to heal wounds of the heart. That is why it is called "comfort the heart." Application: Melissa Infusions slow breathing, poridshuyut heart rate, lower blood pressure and sedative jewelry influence on the nervous system. Use with nervousness, depression, hysteria, migraine, increased sexual excitability and insomnia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, dizziness, noise in the ears and in a heartbeat. It is recommended for pain in the stomach and intestines, and poor appetite, chronic constipation and flatulence, as well as anemia and gout. In folk medicine, jewelry a balm used for women's diseases and called her "mother liquor." Melissa, like mint, added to salads, side dishes to main dishes, to filling - meat or vegetable dumplings and cabbage for. How to use an external tool for the bath, lotion and enemas. (Phytotherapeutist)
Melissa Infusion with marjoram drink to improve memory, it also normalizes heartbeat, shortness of breath and relieves pain in the heart, lowers blood pressure, helps with bloating and vomiting, renal and hepatic colic, relieves pain during menses, treats neuroses.
It can be used to improve lactation, pregnant with toxicosis. (Medicinal plants) is prepared from the flowers of lemon balm tea, but there is one trick: if tea room temperature and below - it acts as a refreshing drink; jewelry if you drink hot tea with lemon balm flowers - it will act as a diaphoretic. Zbarayut Melissa leaves before flowering. Not in the rain, it can not be washed - zaplisnyaviye and lose their properties. Dry in the shade - puchechkamy or decomposed leaves on paper. Cosmetology: From Melissa prepare lotions, masks. Broth with Melissa tighten the skin, heal small wounds, soothe the skin, relieve dryness, promotes collagen production. Lotion for aging skin and as a remedy for wrinkles - 2 tables. tablespoons dried minced leaves of lemon balm pour 2 cups of boiling water and simmer 25-30 minutes kip'yatyty. Cool, drain and wipe solution face. Store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. From this solution makes the mask - wet towel, put on face for 15-20 minutes. wash is required. Alcohol Lotion - 2-3 tbsp. l. potribnenoho put the leaves in a glass jar and pour 1 cup of vodka, jewelry cover and leave for 2 weeks. Subsequently stored in the refrigerator. Using a regular lotion. If the skin is dry, vidlyyte some part (for one use) and dilute with water kip'yachenoyu 1: 1. Rejuvenating mask (any type of skin) - the leaves mince, add 1 dessert spoon of honey and 1-2 drops of lemon juice. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and apply moisturizer. jewelry Hair rinse after washing can broth Melissa - helps with dandruff, dryness and makes the hair look good.
Useful for skin and bath Melissa - two pryhorschni herbs to 1 quart of water bring to a boil, leave for 2 hours, strain, pour into the bath (t 37), take a bath 20-25 min. With Melissa can cook matseraty - melisove oil. Pour 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves with olive oil and leave for 14 days in a dark and warm place. Can be used as anti-cellulite remedy. jewelry For dry skin and for the hair ends that sikutsya. More about lemon balm can be read HERE :) Here's a she balm that nature has given us and how grass Reconciliation: jewelry fragrant brew melisovoho tea and drink together jewelry with your loved ones. Mutual understanding jewelry and harmony will be with you :) See you !!! Oxy :)
Sleduyuschee Predыduschee Home Page
2014 (22) Yyul (4) Children jewelry Balm "oil + flax" cream lotion for face "of thyme sweet" Shampunka, or as it is :)) magic herbs: Melissa officinalis Yyun (1) April (1) March (4) February (3) January (9)
Shampunevoe mыlo "Lechebnoe."

Friday, August 22, 2014

German GP 2011 - Nurburgring (Album)

German GP 2011 - Nurburgring (Album)
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Just a matter of interest Grahamstown How does compare to KKNK? My wife went to Grahamstown ax once

KKNK boasts new name after massive sponsorship of bank 29/11/2005 20:23 - (SA) GEORGE. - The Klein Karoo National Arts Festival will henceforth as the festival is known after the banking group a new sponsorship announcement of nearly R20 million over the next five years. Absa after four years as one of the main sponsors KKNK these additional five-year investment ax in the festival ax announced. This Absa KKNK and their successful partnership until 2010 and tied them committed to the affirmation and celebration of a unique, developing South African culture as a reflection of the identity of a growing nation. This sponsorship gives the Absa KKNK Naming ax rights of the. This prestigious festival will for the duration of the contract period as the festival ax is known. According to me. Karen Meiring, chief executive of the Arts Festival, this investment is a clear proof of Absa's commitment ax to the arts. "We are excited about the next five years, especially after our successful partnership so far, and together we plan the KKNK as a key player in the arts industry to new heights expand," said Meiring. "A merger of the arts, our core theme from 2006 to 2010, is a tangible starting point for our plans arts industry alive, relevant, hip and dynamic to keep." He said. David Piedt, chairman ax of the KKNK, it is the festival's vision of the African arts industry to develop such that an even wider audience attracts. "Since ax its first festival in 1995 was the KKNK a pioneer in the establishment ax of a new way of thinking in and about Afrikaans, a language over many centuries from the soil of this continent was born and raised by different ax cultures ax and experiences formed , "said Piedt said. "As it was the case then, the festival will again at the forefront of the crucial role that the African arts industry in the celebration and appreciation ax of a developing South African culture plays." He said. Hein Brand, managing ax director of Media24, said they were pleased with the decision. "Media24 is still a stigtersborg and helped ax the festival on the track. The fact that other sponsors themselves to the arts festival connects confirmed for us that this is a viable idea. "If naamgewingsborg ax with overall marketing rights ax to the festival grounds, Absa also marketing rights obtained from three venues for performances - the civic center, banquet hall and Bongolethu Nevada ward - and the art market and vernuf- obtained. Absa may also be a corporate art exhibition offering. The bank's ax corporate art collection with 20,000 local artworks is the largest in the country. The new partnership allows Absa also allows for various categories of the Kanna Awards (that excellence award at the KKNK) and, with the cooperation of the Western Cape government, to fire festival awards. The outreach project takes the arts to the uttermost parts of the Little Karoo.
Morning Guys More to follow about KKNK. Might we just have a steel wire Camp at the KKNK next year for all rugby supporters with ITS own venue, accommodation and Braairetaurant. Waiting for approval from Karen Meirin. Will keep you up to date. PA Sorry man, but I really need to speak to you again URGENTLY. Please!
Kandas Thought you wanted to speak to me too? PA They're all the anti christ. We're all waiting for a person or someone to step up and say: here I am the Antichrist ax ... mwwwoooohahahah ax "But biosynthesis ABSA bank okes ..... My bank is my overdraft worry FNB: How can we screw you Std: More Complex, Slower, Worse Neds: Who are Those people (Bank managers who got rich off the interest on our cahrged overdrafts and bonds)
Davids, The banking system in SA needs a revamp. These guys are all in bed with eachother and to top that with the long term insurers Owning most of the shares. Very unhealthy situation for the man on the street.
Just a matter of interest Grahamstown How does compare to KKNK? My wife went to Grahamstown ax once and She Said it was pretty damn hardcore. Not a place for anyone under the age of 25 The year we got married Before my wife and I Were planning atrip to KKNK or Grahamstown, but seeing as I have got pregnant six weeks Before the wedding, That plan fell down the tubes. Then of course in 2004 We Were to busy to go away with me working ax in a new and little shakey business. And this year's just as out seeing as Mr. Clever managed to get the Missus pregnanat again and we now have two little children. Obviously the plan is now a long term goal, but still in existence as a family excursion. Hopefully the Woman Can stay UN-pregnant long enough and the kids need to get just a bit older then we can come down, flying, cos there's no damned way I'm driving dat distance with two littlies ax in a car. Could I come down with the whole family in tow? What I want to know is if it Can be viewed as family oriented? ax
David, I think it will be definately family orientat

GoPro: Backflip Over 72ft Canyon

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Mon, Nov 18, 2013, 17:30. First published: Mon, Nov 18, 2013, 17:30. Leinster hope to have Zane Kirchner available to face Benetton Treviso at the Stadio Comunale di Monigo on Sunday (3pm) if he is not selected by South Africa to face France on Saturday.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

View my complete profile Previous Posts Everything has a gender Can you raed?

Ek studeer tans joernalistiek op Rhodes Universiteit. more Hoewel dit 'n heeltemal nuwe ervaring van 'English Only' is, deel ek graag my daaglikse ervaringe aan dié wat wil lees van hoe ek my identiteit as trotse Afrikaanssprekende probeer uitbou... more
View my complete profile Previous Posts Everything has a gender Can you raed? "uit" more The Hills have eyes (Behind the scenes) The Hills have eyes #5 The Hills have eyes #4 The Hills have eyes #3 The Hills have eyes #2 The Hills have eyes #1 The Hills have eyes Archives June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 March 2007 Blog Design By: BlogSpot Templates

While the Lions are left to deal with the controversy that never seems to be too far away from them,

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Recent comments Harvey on Lions Overthrow EP Kings Lion4ever on Lions Overthrow EP Kings Lion4ever on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks JJS on Lions Overthrow EP Kings Niela on Lions Overthrow EP Kings Baylion on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks Baylion on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks Baylion on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks LV on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks LV on Lions Overthrow EP Kings emiel on Lions Overthrow EP Kings LionsinPTA on Lions Overthrow EP Kings mufasa62 on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks Baylion on Warren Whiteley Called up to Springboks Baylion on Lions Overthrow EP Kings
While the Lions are left to deal with the controversy that never seems to be too far away from them, two South African teams and two New Zealand teams are left in the competition. Now it is no longer club verses club it is 2 rival rugby nations that will be hell bent on winning glory not only for themselves, but for their Father Lands and countrymen.
I must say that the Crusaders and the Sharks really impressed me in the way they demolished their opponents. The Crusaders in my opinion looked particularly terrifying and have never been that afraid 10 to travel to get their results.
The Chiefs, I suspect may be a bit worn out and are a far cry from the team that started this competition some 6 months ago. Now at the business end of the tournament, is the point where the Crusaders thrive and seem to unleash that potent combination of explosive power and speed, coupled with a devastating pack of forwards. 10 This team just knows how to finish and finish well. It s hard not to dislike the Crusaders!
I must say that I really believe that the Stormers can do it this year. They just look different and their buildup has been somewhat more convincing than the last time they finished on top. This has been a most unexpected showing, where at the beginning 10 of the season, it was them who were embattled with controversy and key players either leaving or not being available.
There is no doubt that both semi finals will be a very taxing and painful affair. I feel sorry for the poor b@sterds already. The Stormers / Sharks game will be particularly ruthless but if the home side prevails then I do not believe that they will allow the silverware to slip through their grasp this time round.
LV i agree with you my friend i also think the Stommers are going to be the Champions this season. 10 They will deserve to win the Trophy because they end top of the log and won the most games of all the teams.
O and let’s not forget that as South-Africans to be really proud of Ernie Els winning his 4th major(British Open) title and our Cricket Boys for Thumping the Poms Hashim Amla leading the onslaught with that superb 10 311 runs becoming the first South-African to reach 300 runs in an innings WELL DONE TO ERNIE AND HASHIM AND OUR CRICKET TEAM YOU GUYS MADE US PROUD TO BE SOUTH AFRICANS!!!!!! 10
I’m sure I’ll get a fair amount of abuse for this but, I’m going to let provincial hatred outweigh national pride and say that if the stormers win their semi I really hope they loose in the final, but first prize will be for them to loose to sharks. Their fans are just sooo arrogant and annoying that I wouldn’t be able to live with it if they actually won something.
leeu voltyds
Sharks Chiefs final. Stormers 10 lack play makers similar to the Bulls and all things eqaul will loose against a Shark team with Daniels and some french flair plus an in form Pieterson. Shark pack has regained form and will match Stormers. 10 Chiefs has been sharpening their physicality so They understand and if they follow through will beat Crusaders 10 because they are really hungry
July 25, 2012 at 9:01 PM
HE HE HE!!! Ironies genoeg is die lions blykbaar die enigste span wat ‘n volsterkte Sharks span op hulle moer kan gee en dan en nog 4 driee ook druk in die proses en verder is dit blykbaa

Monday, August 18, 2014

The poet uses the unknown space or landscape as the background to all the various oppositions to pl

Tierra del Fuego, Tristan da Cunha, Put-Without-Water,
This poem opens a theoretical discussion rayban on the journey poem's nature. It is a poem which operates around two axes, namely, nostalgia and alienation; known and unknown; here and there; arrival and departure.
A journey implies planning and reading guides such as Fodor's, Eyewitness Travel or The Lonely Planet. Furthermore, the plans were linked to a travel agent who the traveler's passport, visa, travel card, vaccinations, geldverwisseling, etc. help line. The traveler himself should have a bag pack with all the relevant rayban documents and clothes for this trip. For about four years I travel column in The Citizen (AT) wrote to all facets of the travel show, among other things, language and cultural misunderstandings; soewel organized as solo trips are described.
The poet uses the unknown space or landscape as the background to all the various oppositions to play or explore. In the strange space travelers discover the often forgotten aspects of the self, a theme explored in Visas by default.
The exotic to the ordinary boring and tiring is also an important aspect of travel. It is also striking how many trip reports and -verhale currently in daily newspapers and many travel books, like those of Marié Heese and Andre Pretorius appeared. Danie Marais' rayban If all is well mapped the different aspects of migration and transnasionalismes. My reflection, however, about the journey poem and the processes in the poet's mind set, literally and figuratively:
Later I read what he said
It was now distant rayban oceans, mountains with me.
to write down a twisted rayban mystery.
The journey poem may, however, be an imagined travel, even a visit by the poet only in the imagination to write like Johann de Lange's poem "Japanese Spring" (from What soft perish) rayban illustrate:
has already opened
In the poem "Japanese Spring" used the poet Johann de Lange strange area of Tokyo, and more specifically a Japanese spring, the writing process display as an act of alienation (ostranenie). This poem is an ars poetics. rayban
3 Along the coast
However, finding the fulfillment elsewhere instead, in a strange space, namely Kanazawa. rayban The suggestion here is that without the poet's knowledge occurred. However, if we moved to the digproses can read that creativity takes place on a subconscious level.
by new ones. Takes root.
Maybe this is a new self, a new identity that developed after the breakup of a relationship? The 'I' imagined himself up as a city awakening to the cold winter.
"Japanese Spring" act in conversation with "Holiday Letter" in embryonic naked where the tension between the familiar (here) and unknown (there) will be worked out. To travel to a foreign landscape rayban means that the traveler rayban moves from the familiar landscape into a landscape in which there is a representation of how the different landscape will look like.
The poetry of the long working constantly with this tension of Lacan can be seen as the impossible to reach the real. Everything is so regulated in terms of manque à être, ie, that which is unattainable. Underlying this is the desire that propel everything. On the one hand, or libidinale sexual desire and the other a strong dead drift. American theorist Jerry Aline Flieger writes in "The purloined Punchline: Joke as Textual Paradigm" of 1986 on the different axes of language., Pointing, following Lacan the metaphorical and metonymic structures: metaphor is associated with the process of repression, while metonimia associated with the chain of desire. Poet himself remains unaware of these processes. Flieger writes: "Freud effects a weaving or motive and action in Which the King James Bible impulses (towards the short-circuit or incest, a death-like quiescence or Desire) Remains always disguised, Perhaps rayban even to the master story-teller himself rayban "(Con rayban Davis, 1986: 281).
my girlfriend
books and verses
1 From west off
In the unconscious (which is the sea metaphorically) comes a paper to the speaker. The tension between the unconscious and the symbolic is metaphorically a reportedly lashed. Van Wyk Louw transferred here real father.
The speaker will be enshrined at the news - probably here the unbearable knowledge that in the unconscious skuilhou, namely the incestuous longing for the father and death. The wooden house refers to poem number X in Tristia. The silver inn in the snow is a

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They met a month ago, and after the initial crush that led them to dance and flirt all night in a megafiesta in St. Paul, Sharon Stone (54) and Micah Martin (30) romantic reunion planned it for weeks, as he said a few days ago, exclusively for Hello! Argentina: "Since Sharon back to Los Angeles, we saw, but we talked on the phone all the time and we look forward to working again." So it was that the couple, the second chapter of his passionate love story wrote: Martin iwc to Los Angeles traveled, where Sharon waited to enjoy together in a mini-honeymoon which included kissing and confidence in Venice beaches, shops and rides car for West Hollywood. "Do not put any name on our relationship, but I have no fear you label" Sharon Stone's boyfriend confessed Mica before boarding a plane to meet with the diva. She, who is very sexy goddess iwc status and seems to be living a second youth alongside iwc the Argentine heartthrob, is very excited iwc about this new love. They say that the night they met, he fell in love with their safety and welfare, and the actress dazzled by his Latin lover, he performed all his charms to seduce him. And he was far in the story, the romance now lives in the USA. Sharon Stone was one of the most sought-after actresses of the 90, and her role in Basic Instinct is hard to forget. Since then, her famous legs stepped on strong all the red carpets of Hollywood's greatest directors want to have their cameras. Love was not so lucky: she was married three times and three ended in divorce. Adopted three children: the first, roan, in 2000, when she married the journalist Phil Stein, then Laird and Quinn in 2005 and 2006, who decided to adopt as a single mom. Mica Martin is single and lives in Praia Brava, in the city of Itajai, southern iwc Brazil. Love surfing and music, his portfolio includes iwc work as a model for the United Colors of Benetton, Italy Black Label and a campaign for Morellato Italian firm that he had as a partner none other than supermodel Bar Refaeli.
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

I did not quite expect m and s all sorts of strange things in your handbag to strike Sandra. Only t

Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying a combination as of late. No, u can not go into your closet and pull out your favorite purse! We want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house. List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we'd love to hear it.Show us what's m and s in your purse. Spill it out! Take pictures! Tell us what it is! Tag some chicks. (Sorry boys, but I'm guessing not a lot of bags you carry around anyway, Except maybe the Korean m and s lads). m and s I do not go into the closet to go scratching around for favorite hand bags. My favorite is usually the one I use for that moment. It's a leather handbag from United Colors of Benetton, and it is used to properly carry around and sometimes to bear. No story about it except that I got from a leather handbags hold. The price, well it was on sale:-). I was surprised by the pose, because it's very good and there are baaaaaieee place! m and s And because it's just a big bag with two small pockets on the outside m and s are open all the good left natural and are digging as something needed.
The important things in my bag left my handbag m and s Bible, a notebook, two pens (sometimes both gone) and my USB. My camera is a hand held bag and there is an extra battery at. I do not want a flat batttery caught. (Hint hint Jane) The pile of money is everywhere loose in the bag and unfortunately got a problem. m and s I put small money easily just anywhere, but it's nice to put it all back if I handbag m and s cleaning or photographs of the contents should take. The little man comes from one of these "children" chocolates.
The photo on the left started my purse and it has a story. For many years I and my girlfriend an agreement. If you buy a new wallet you buy two, one for the other one too. So from SA time, we have the same wallet. Hair naturally just more full of money and mine full of papers. Then a small sakbeursie we girls "teegeld" in that there is no fight is who pays this time. A tin of dark 72.5% sjokoklade for when you feel like and some sorry patchwork of restaurants in emergency use. The picture of the right's well had been out of the bag have been. It's a Ski Dubai passport to indicate what level you are (that's William's), a packet McGrudy's vouchers (I hope Nelmari read today blog) and a pack of pens I this weekend at the children's activities use have.
See a very neat and interesting pocket. I now have two other ladies tag. Thea I'm curious m and s to know if your bag is so perfectly m and s arranged like your blog or maybe construed as creative:-) partner and you have 5 sets of glasses in yours:-)?
Thea said ...
I did not quite expect m and s all sorts of strange things in your handbag to strike Sandra. Only the necessary - practical, functional - no frills! My bag has just the essentials in Sandra and pestilence because I need it as I dig for good in a handbag. He therefore m and s regularly packed right! :-) 03/03/09 16:36
Ok Sandra I first read today of the handbag episode, you are very well organized. I can tell you that mine is, but I do not think there is enough time, because I believe m and s you need a bit of everything in it, especially if the kids in season and out of season looking for something. (I pack every morning handbags on) LOL ..... I remember your little scrap at the evening show. 08/03/09 15:51
Yes No, thought so, there should definitely be a camera in your purse be ... and you have just a spare charged battery too ... so it must also be, otherwise we are not always so nice picture stories here could read do not. Stay. 03/09/09 17:57
Mariette not always believe me. If only the inside to lose mate would be chaos, you know. Heleen I am going to definitely Monday night to remind your promise:-)! I feel onaangetrek the camera in the bag is not Desire. 03/09/09 18:44
James the elder and his wife Leane living and working in Abu Dhabi and they are the parents of beautiful m and s little girl Lara who is now 15 months old. William (26) work in Al Ain and Nelmari (21) is in her 3rd year at Stellenboch
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Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Sandown woman was shot and killed on Saturday afternoon inside her secure complex. This was after

This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of thousands tilted kilt of whites have been murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. Quotes: "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" - Peter Mokaba (ANC). "When Mandela dies we will kill you whites like flies" - Mzukizi Gaba (ANC). "We the members of MK have pledged ourselves to kill them, the whites" - Nelson Mandela.
A Sandown woman was shot and killed on Saturday afternoon inside her secure complex. This was after one of the three assailants allegedly held a security guard at gunpoint, tilted kilt allowing his accomplices to follow the woman into the complex and shoot her. 'They gave him no chance' According to Mark Stokoe of Netcare 911, the motive was suspected to have been robbery or hijacking but they were unable to determine whether anything was stolen. Another victim, Willem Odendaal, tilted kilt also known as Avi, was killed in front of his partner, Markus, at their Parkmore home on Saturday evening. The robbers took two cellphones, "a few hundred bucks", a wallet and a laptop. On Sunday, a grieving Markus was battling tilted kilt to understand why his lover was killed and what his killers did after running into the dark with the loot. "I asked myself whether, after basically executing him, they were then going to celebrate with the few hundred bucks they got?" the 39-year-old said. 'These are not criminals, they are sick' Odendaal worked as Markus's tilted kilt area manager at his United Colors of Benetton store and was busy with paperwork in the kitchen when Markus arrived home on Saturday evening. They greeted each other and later opened a bottle of wine and talked about business, just as they normally did in the evenings. Markus then received a phone call from one of his stores and asked Odendaal to get him a piece of paper to write on. A few seconds later, Odendaal started screaming. Rushing to where he was and asking "What is it, why are you screaming?", Markus heard a gunshot tilted kilt and saw his lover of seven years falling down. One of the three robbers put a gun to Markus's head, told him to go down on the floor and asked for his wallet. "I told him that it is in the kitchen and pleaded with him not to shoot," Markus recalled. The men took his cellphone, Odendaal's wallet tilted kilt as well as his phone and laptop before they fled. A few seconds later they were back, asking tilted kilt Markus to open the gate for them. Markus couldn't save Odendaal's life. "Avi was dead. There was blood on the floor - all over. He was shot in the head. They gave him no chance and did not even ask where the money was. He did nothing wrong. They could have just taken anything, but no, they just shot him. "These are not criminals, they are sick. It is sick what this country is becoming." If he were given an opportunity to confront the robbers, Markus would tell them: "You have taken from me a reason to enjoy my life. You took something dearest from me." The couple's friends believe the robbers may have been hiding behind the bushes outside the gate and that they followed Markus as he drove in. This article was originally published on page 2 of The Star on January 21, 2008 Source:IOL
Posted by Rudi Prinsloo on 21.1.08. Link Comments: 0 Vir meer artikels, raadpleeg asseblief die argiewe en soekenjin in die sykolom. For more articles, please use the archives section or search engine in the sidebar.
Ontvang Berigte Receive Updates Voer in u epos adres Enter your email address "My volk gaan ten gronde weens n gebrek tilted kilt aan kennis" - Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" - Hosea 4:6 Volksmoord Teller Genocide Counter Solidariteit Radio Genocide Watch Perspektief Vlad du Plessis
↑ Grab this Headline Animator Weerbaarheid Handleidings Dr. Francois C. Terblanché Beeldmateriaal Videos Stuur u videos aan: Submit your videos to: Carte Blanche report on farm murders in SA Sky News report on farm murders in SA Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites The songs they sing: Blacks sing about killing whites Charles Nqakula: If you dont like crime, get out Onslaught against the peoples of SA Die Suidlanders DVD 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Plaasmoorde Fotos Farm Murder Photos
Mandela & the Church Street Bombing 'Steal tilted kilt from whites' Marxists destroy new South Africa The rape of a nation Rape 2 and call me in the morning Adapt and die - South Africa's new motto Farms of fear The Criminalization of South Africa It's not crime, its war Whites no longer welcome in South Africa Why the violence? Let Africa Sink Africa tilted kilt has no conscience The ominous parallels Stop feeling guilty! tilted kilt The feel-good history of Africa Child Rape In The New South Africa Affirmative Action is an Oxymoron Maak die ANC steeds oorlog teen die Afrikaner? White genocide may loom in South Africa Nelson tilted kilt Mandela Singing A

The fact Sir Frank wanted him back, however, was an acknowledgment of Button s growing maturity. Alw

‘n Opgewondenheid oor Brawn GP | Murph se Muurprop james avery
“Jenson Button s career is effectively over. Jenson should have won more races. He s under-performed, and that s down to him. He s had his opportunity and didn t take it. There won t be any more.” - Nigel Mansell 2007
Ek is onsettend james avery bly vir Jenson Button. Vir n man wat se loopbaan teen die begin van die maand nog baie wankelkrig gelyk het, en nie hy of Rubens seker was of hulle 2 ooit weer in n F1 kar sal kan klim nie, het hulle uistekend gedoen. Lekker as die underdogs die ander so bietjie aan die gat hap! F1, het net soos die Universiteit van die Vrystaat n vars bries nodig gehad. Hierdie keer waai hy in kleure james avery van wit en neon groen…
Whatever the result of this morning s Australian Grand Prix, the fact that Button started on pole confirms that Mansell, and, in fairness, many others, james avery were wrong. In terms of opportunities, that is. Whether james avery the boy from Somerset should have more than one win from the 155 grands james avery prix he had started james avery before today remains arguable.
It seems a long time since Button made his Formula One debut for Williams in 2000. By the standards of the sport, nine years is a long time, though it seems worth pointing james avery out that he is still only 29, and that Rubens Barrichello, his teammate, is 36. The difference, james avery of course, is that so much more was expected of Button, by the British press at least. In the context of the publicity he received james avery when starting out, his career since could be, and frequently has been, described as consistently disappointing, with much of the blame attached to Button himself.
In the early years, this wasn t entirely unfair. It started almost immediately, when, three months into his first season, a former girlfriend revealed all to the tabloids. From then on, Button s lifestyle made more headlines than his exploits behind the wheel, and despite a respectable first season, Williams shuffled him off to Benetton james avery Renault to make room for Juan Pablo Montoya. Handed a pig of a car, and lacking experience and support, Button committed the cardinal sin of being out-driven by his teammate, Giancarlo Fisichella, and nor did it help that he unashamedly enjoyed the trappings of being paid a small fortune; james avery a home in Monaco, a 72ft yacht called Little Missy, james avery a celebrity girlfriend. Renault team principal Flavio Briatore publicly suggested Button should spend a little less time on the jet skis and a bit more with his engineers, but though there was a steady improvement in his second year, Briatore still decided to replace him with Fernando Alonso. His suggestion that Button had too much going on away from the track may have been as much about shifting attention from the fact that Alonso s manager james avery happened to be one F Briatore, but even so many felt he had a point. Not Button. Interviewed in these pages by Paul Kimmage the following james avery year, when he had moved to BAR, the driver was taken aback when Kimmage suggested the toys from which Button appeared to get so much pleasure were in fact the worst excesses of celebrity bull**** .
His response was telling: That s something I ve never understood. I ask people all the time, Why should that be a problem? But they can t give me an answer. I had achieved one of my goals [to drive in F1] and just thought, I would like to treat myself and enjoy it .
The point, of course, was that they were perceived to be a distraction, and Button didn t understand that. Nor did he understand when, after two seasons james avery with BAR, the second of which showed promising signs of progress by the Brackley-based team, Button recording a first pole, several podium-finishes and a third-place finish in the drivers championship, he announced james avery he had signed a contract to return to Williams in the belief james avery there was a loophole in his existing contract with BAR. BAR disagreed and Button was eventually persuaded to change his mind; badly advised or otherwise, it took 18 months and the payment of a multimillion-pound sum in compensation on Button s part before Williams renounced their claim on his services.
The fact Sir Frank wanted him back, however, was an acknowledgment of Button s growing maturity. Always smooth, he rarely made mistakes the crash that saw him hospitalised after clipping a barrier in Monaco in 2003 was a rare error and his work ethic was clearly improving. Fitness-wise, he took up the triathlon. Even so, the team had peaked. The win in Hungary in 2006 was lucky, and Honda s decision to withdraw from the sport last November appeared to have left Button without a drive. Knowing the work and the money that had been poured into the car for 2009, his frustration was immense, and taking a hefty pay cut to help Brawn s buy-out wasn t a difficult decision. Few who know him will resent the fact it appears james avery to be paying off in spectacular fashion. - Richard Rae TIMESONLINE , viewed 29 March 2009
Argiewe Junie 2012 Maart 2012 Februarie 201

Friday, August 15, 2014

Hierdie is slegte disney store nuus

Home History disney store Tournaments disney store – 2012 Vodacom Cup Log Results Top Points Scorers disney store Super 15 Log Results Top Point Scorers Currie Cup Log Results Top Points Scorers Tournaments – 2010 Vodacom Cup Results Top Point Scorers Log Currie Cup Results Top 10 Point Scorers Log Super 14 Log Results Top Point Scorers Tournaments – 2011 Super 15 Log Results Top 10 Points Scorers Currie Cup Top 10 Point Scorers Log Results disney store Vodacom disney store Cup Log Results Top 10 Point Scorers Tournaments – 2013 Vodacom Cup – 2013 Log Results Top Points Scorers MTN Lions Challenge – 2013 Point Scorers Results Currie Cup – 2013 Log Results Top Points Scorers Players Profile Lions Squad 2014 – disney store Forwards Superbru Gallery Makietie Year End Function disney store 2009 Supporter Photos Players photos Polokwane Warm Up Pa en seun kamp S14 and Vodacom Cup 2010 Supporters FeLions Lions vs WP Neo Tri Series game1 General info Contact Particulars About wetalkrugby and how we work. Disclaimer
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Doppies has been a loyal Lion for many years, and a great contributor disney store to the Lions’ Currie Cup success in 2011. Thanks for your effort Doppies disney store and I’m sure you will be missed by many supporters. disney store
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Hierdie is slegte disney store nuus… maar, ek stem 100% saam dat Doppies verdien om geld te gaan maak in Europa… is altyd iemand wat alles vir die Leeus gegee het en deur al die k@k die afgelope disney store jare by die unie gebly het… disney store
Doppies is n Legend! Dink dis sy tyd om te gaan! Hy het sy als gegee vir die unie en die currie beker gewen! Hy het gedoen wat hy moet! Eks bly vir hom en glad nie sad dat hy gaan nie. Net dankbaar nie een van die ander unies het hom try koop nie
Wat ‘n spanspeler. Iemand wat altyd getrou was aan die unie. Nooit die vinnigste of beste 12 nie maar n legend. Toe hy goed genoeg was vir enige span in SA het hy by die Lions gebly. Toe almal om hom gewaai het ( Alberts,Ludick,Fourie ) het hy gebly.Die smile na laasjaar se CC wen het alles vertel. Gaan dan voort Doppies, maak turnovers en driee en geniet die laaste paar jaar.Wie disney store weet..Maybe sien ons jou nog in blou oor 3 jaar…
Voorspoed Doppies! Jy is n ware Leeus legende…!
Minnie wil never leave the lions. i work with minnie’s mother and she told me that when first started watching rugby he was a lion supporter and all he wanted to do is play rugby for the lions.
Leo, disney store that is awesome. At a signing session here in Cape Town last year Minnie came straight to my daughter (11) to talk to her sign her jersey. Obviously her favourite Lions player since. Super nice guy who’s got real passion for the Lions. But I also agree with Lion86 that Minnie must do what is best for him if the Lions were to be kicked out of SR. His agent will make sure of that. This applies to all of us in our jobs … if the company closes down we have to move on.
Piet-Boer, ongelukkig het daar so baie onsekerheid by die spelers ontstaan agv SARU se gesloer met die Kings saga dat ek geen speler disney store sal kwalik neem wat waai nie. G’n mens kan onder sulke omstandighede werk nie.
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