GA 07-05-11: Hrupofon, Bambi Engine at al. Caves session: Radar
Otitis media (every first Monday of the month at 23.00) collarme RADAR (second Monday of each month at 23.00) After Artifact (every fourth Monday of the month at 23.00) Art-area (every second Monday at 20.00) Radio Network (every Thursday at 20:30) Framework (every Thursday at 24.00) Detection of outside
Circulation 2 Neven Korda Strehovec Minister Janez Sava Projekt Atol Stefan Doepner radioCona Chapel Gallery Bostjan Leskovšek Postgravity Art Luka Prinčič SCCA Ljubljana collarme Marko A. Kovacic Aksioma Institute Egon March Alkatraz Gallery Lyudmila Luiza Margan Sajeta Kusum Normoyle Maska Polona Tratnik Teo Spiller Marko Batista Radio Network Festival Haip Maska KSEVT Kiberpipa Klub K4 Janez Janša Radio Helsinki, collarme Linz Edvard Rabbit Vladimir pelvis Stelarc Struts
10. 2. 2011 - A quarter century of Retrogardist event Baptism Under Triglav: Dragan Živadinov and Goran Schmidt 8. 2. 2011 - About zenitism by Irina Subotic, Part 2 (Andrej Tomažin and Jelena Mikloš) collarme 5. 2. 2011 - Transmediale 2011 : radioCona & Traces transfer from Berlin 1. 2. 2011 - About zenitism by Irina Subotic, Part 1 (Andrej Tomažin and Jelena Mikloš) 15.12.2010 - Bojan Andjelkovic: Circulation collarme tehnodispozitiva: tehnodispozitiv Cirkulacija 2 (a performative lecture at the festival PixlePoint 2010) 17th 11. 2010 - Bojan Andjelkovic: Postscript on'Postscript on the Societies of Control "23. 9. 2010 - Marko Peljhan - SPEKTR! 8. 9. 2010 - Neven Korda: Parallel Worlds collarme 5: Visual Equipment urban space / 17th Anniversary Metelkova 8. 7. 2010 - Marko Peljhan: Arctic initiatives and perspectives (interview Miha Colnerja) 2. 6. 2010 - Seminar of the Institute Aksioma : Tactics and Practice: Drivers of new media (Ida Hiršenfelder) 26. 5. 2010 - Extended Circulation 2 in Alkatraz Gallery: Concourse = Discourse 20. 4. 2010 - Postgravity Art - 50-hour informans Dragana collarme Živadinov the cinema bangs (images informansa, interview Bojan Andjelkovic) 31. 3. 2010 - Gesamtkunst Laibach: a conversation on the 30th anniversary of the collective Laibach: Dejan Knez, Jani Novak, Barbara Borčić and Darko Štrajn (moderator: Miha Colner) 22. 2. 2010 - Janez Strehovec: (Re) Production of modern collarme capitalism in the movie Avatar (interview collarme Nine Cvar and Andrew Tomažin) 8. 2. 2010 - Marina Gržinič: (Re) production of modern capitalism in the movie Avatar (interview Nine Cvar and Andrew collarme Tomažin) 6. 1. 2010 - Luka Prinčič: deviants fragments 20 30. 4. 2009 - Dunja Blazevic: calculation of the mass media to culture (interview Miha Colnerja) 20. 3. 2009 - IV Nočnja: Futurism our podpodnebja 2 20. 3. 2009 - IV Nočnja: Futurism our podpodnebja 1 17 12 . 2008 - Bojan Andjelkovic: Let's make a WOW 4. 6. 2008 - Luka Prinčič: deviants fragments 5: Gilles collarme Deleuze: collarme L'abecedaire 20. 11. 2008 - FV - an alternative to the eighties: Aldo Ivancic, Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović (modrerator Miha Colner) 15. 10. 2008 - Miomir collarme Grujić Fleka: Radio bat (remix Bojan Andjelkovic) 2. 10. 2008 - Lev Manovich: Sofver assumes power (interview Bojan Andjelkovic) 7. 7. 2008 - Borut Savski: What is this Ministry the experiment?
"Hrupofon acoustically-hybrid object that transforms and coordinates the sound frequencies in that state when possible to travel across the universe. In our science lab, we developed a few years energotron machine, which has allowed us to travel in space and time, but when we eliminate all government funding, we have reverted to analogue technology and now we are developing this hrupofon to reach the correctness of these frequencies, we need. "Dr. Eugenija Skavčenko.
We Should Take Nothing FOR GRANTED (+ interview with Marko Peljhan) NOORDUNG: Night program with Dragan Živadinovovm What will it mean to be a man in the future? Tesla and other gravitational dynamism Sounds Sajeta white noise # 13: Mind Machines WHITE NOISE # 12: Not Exactly Edvard Lost Rabbit, a pioneer of computer collarme art white noise # 11: Atilla the Hun - El mutants feat. Or poiesis Problem of Space Travel - Supra: ARCHITECTURE RADART # 5 :: RADAR AMBASADA Theramidi Orchestra collarme - Live Festival RADART # 4: EU.metnik, you know your debt? / EU.Artist, You Know Your price? Out of the Cradle - Conference KSEVT-u Depend on independence - Symposium RŠ of independent culture Preschool space with astronaut Sunito Williams Cosmism :: :: Fyodorov Malevich - a lecture by Vladimir Pelvic BANK ROTE DANCE :: May 9 :: PUBLIC CALL DemoKino - Virtual biopolitical agora third public event Open radio research pratforme: RADART # 3 Live bridge with Radio Helsinki: Chain Reaction Haip 2012: Public Library Neven Korda: radio performance Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša: I am Janez Janša Radio Zone: Time Alarm Autonomous interactive radio (Interactivos? Ljubljana '12)
Otitis media (every first Monday of the month at 23.00) collarme RADAR (second Monday of each month at 23.00) After Artifact (every fourth Monday of the month at 23.00) Art-area (every second Monday at 20.00) Radio Network (every Thursday at 20:30) Framework (every Thursday at 24.00) Detection of outside
Circulation 2 Neven Korda Strehovec Minister Janez Sava Projekt Atol Stefan Doepner radioCona Chapel Gallery Bostjan Leskovšek Postgravity Art Luka Prinčič SCCA Ljubljana collarme Marko A. Kovacic Aksioma Institute Egon March Alkatraz Gallery Lyudmila Luiza Margan Sajeta Kusum Normoyle Maska Polona Tratnik Teo Spiller Marko Batista Radio Network Festival Haip Maska KSEVT Kiberpipa Klub K4 Janez Janša Radio Helsinki, collarme Linz Edvard Rabbit Vladimir pelvis Stelarc Struts
10. 2. 2011 - A quarter century of Retrogardist event Baptism Under Triglav: Dragan Živadinov and Goran Schmidt 8. 2. 2011 - About zenitism by Irina Subotic, Part 2 (Andrej Tomažin and Jelena Mikloš) collarme 5. 2. 2011 - Transmediale 2011 : radioCona & Traces transfer from Berlin 1. 2. 2011 - About zenitism by Irina Subotic, Part 1 (Andrej Tomažin and Jelena Mikloš) 15.12.2010 - Bojan Andjelkovic: Circulation collarme tehnodispozitiva: tehnodispozitiv Cirkulacija 2 (a performative lecture at the festival PixlePoint 2010) 17th 11. 2010 - Bojan Andjelkovic: Postscript on'Postscript on the Societies of Control "23. 9. 2010 - Marko Peljhan - SPEKTR! 8. 9. 2010 - Neven Korda: Parallel Worlds collarme 5: Visual Equipment urban space / 17th Anniversary Metelkova 8. 7. 2010 - Marko Peljhan: Arctic initiatives and perspectives (interview Miha Colnerja) 2. 6. 2010 - Seminar of the Institute Aksioma : Tactics and Practice: Drivers of new media (Ida Hiršenfelder) 26. 5. 2010 - Extended Circulation 2 in Alkatraz Gallery: Concourse = Discourse 20. 4. 2010 - Postgravity Art - 50-hour informans Dragana collarme Živadinov the cinema bangs (images informansa, interview Bojan Andjelkovic) 31. 3. 2010 - Gesamtkunst Laibach: a conversation on the 30th anniversary of the collective Laibach: Dejan Knez, Jani Novak, Barbara Borčić and Darko Štrajn (moderator: Miha Colner) 22. 2. 2010 - Janez Strehovec: (Re) Production of modern collarme capitalism in the movie Avatar (interview collarme Nine Cvar and Andrew Tomažin) 8. 2. 2010 - Marina Gržinič: (Re) production of modern capitalism in the movie Avatar (interview Nine Cvar and Andrew collarme Tomažin) 6. 1. 2010 - Luka Prinčič: deviants fragments 20 30. 4. 2009 - Dunja Blazevic: calculation of the mass media to culture (interview Miha Colnerja) 20. 3. 2009 - IV Nočnja: Futurism our podpodnebja 2 20. 3. 2009 - IV Nočnja: Futurism our podpodnebja 1 17 12 . 2008 - Bojan Andjelkovic: Let's make a WOW 4. 6. 2008 - Luka Prinčič: deviants fragments 5: Gilles collarme Deleuze: collarme L'abecedaire 20. 11. 2008 - FV - an alternative to the eighties: Aldo Ivancic, Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović (modrerator Miha Colner) 15. 10. 2008 - Miomir collarme Grujić Fleka: Radio bat (remix Bojan Andjelkovic) 2. 10. 2008 - Lev Manovich: Sofver assumes power (interview Bojan Andjelkovic) 7. 7. 2008 - Borut Savski: What is this Ministry the experiment?
"Hrupofon acoustically-hybrid object that transforms and coordinates the sound frequencies in that state when possible to travel across the universe. In our science lab, we developed a few years energotron machine, which has allowed us to travel in space and time, but when we eliminate all government funding, we have reverted to analogue technology and now we are developing this hrupofon to reach the correctness of these frequencies, we need. "Dr. Eugenija Skavčenko.
We Should Take Nothing FOR GRANTED (+ interview with Marko Peljhan) NOORDUNG: Night program with Dragan Živadinovovm What will it mean to be a man in the future? Tesla and other gravitational dynamism Sounds Sajeta white noise # 13: Mind Machines WHITE NOISE # 12: Not Exactly Edvard Lost Rabbit, a pioneer of computer collarme art white noise # 11: Atilla the Hun - El mutants feat. Or poiesis Problem of Space Travel - Supra: ARCHITECTURE RADART # 5 :: RADAR AMBASADA Theramidi Orchestra collarme - Live Festival RADART # 4: EU.metnik, you know your debt? / EU.Artist, You Know Your price? Out of the Cradle - Conference KSEVT-u Depend on independence - Symposium RŠ of independent culture Preschool space with astronaut Sunito Williams Cosmism :: :: Fyodorov Malevich - a lecture by Vladimir Pelvic BANK ROTE DANCE :: May 9 :: PUBLIC CALL DemoKino - Virtual biopolitical agora third public event Open radio research pratforme: RADART # 3 Live bridge with Radio Helsinki: Chain Reaction Haip 2012: Public Library Neven Korda: radio performance Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša: I am Janez Janša Radio Zone: Time Alarm Autonomous interactive radio (Interactivos? Ljubljana '12)
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