Xenophobic France? - Newspaper
Home News Opinions rate in society Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Highlights of the day was observed in the lens Nature and Landscape Travelling rewrite artistic inspiration sandals Truth and Compassion
On Tuesday, 12 April 2011, in France, Act came into force with which Muslim women in public forbidden to wear burqa and niqab. The French public was torn about this. Some believe that this law fašistoiden (Star of David for Jews in Hitler's Germany), while others point to Islamic radicalism and terrorism, which is rooted in Sharia law. In France, sandals there are more than five million Muslims, who are in no way disadvantaged, sandals except for the most recent legislation referred to above.
Muslim women are familiar with as many as eight names for different upper garment, which one way or another sandals touching your face. Burke completely cover the whole body, especially the face, which is covered with a thick mesh fabric. Niqab is a milder form, where only the eyes exposed. The most radical clothing followed by Al - Amira, Cadore džilbab, šajla, Himar and hijab.
The new law provides for offenders to pay a fine in the amount of 150, those who will be forced Muslim women wearing the burqa and the niqab will have to pay 30,000 penalty or be imprisoned for one year. On the same day, when the new law came into force three Muslim women deliberately provoked the country and is dressed in a niqab (the eyes are visible), strolled in front of the famous church of Notre Dame in Paris. The police immediately arrested, and after a few hours of interrogation released. Muslims were not punished, the media have been declared a symbol of Islam in France. Dvaintridesetletna Kenza Drider after the release stated that this law violates their religious rights.
Related articles: Thin Belgian Parliament has one offense twice in the history. First, because they are in a country where Flemings sometimes sandals do not even speak with Valonci sandals ... Rome will "spokali" on an airplane and send them home to France today sent the first group of Roma after he broke their homes, back in Romania. 79 Roma who are willing to leave voluntarily will be rewarded ... the new French president Hollande sandals On Sunday, the French decided. The new president was elected 57-year-old socialist Francois Hollande, who has collected 51.6 percent of the votes in the second round of the presidential ... In France, twist to the left in Sunday's parliamentary elections in France Hollandeovi socialists together with the Greens won more than 46 percent votes, while Sarkozy Conservative Party won ...
The measure, sandals which was supported by a majority in parliament is needed. Closing of women in the garment is completely sandals unacceptable. It sounds that way they want, some women themselves say also that the mere fact of civilization and as such it must be respected and acknowledged. And yet shows that answer by saying this is not our civilization, in this space, it is necessary to comply with the criteria of our civilization.
21.4.2011 20:10
More: Highlights of the day
AUTHORS (archive) Select Author ... Mateja Mazgan sandals European sandals Slovenia Katja Anton Cingerle Urankar Simon Kravanja Ana Ana Gruden Jew Bogomir Štefanič Bartimaeus Helena Jaklitsch, Lenart Rihar Thomas Erzar and Katarina Kompan Erzar admin newspaper Ziga Andoljšek Arko Matej Andraz Avbelj Igor Bahovec Jože Bartolj Patricia Belak Government Berglez July BERTONCELJ Romana Bider Government Bizjak Gasper Blažič Mary Burnik Jernej Buzeti Tadej Buzeti Matthew Cerar Branko Cestnik sandals Janez Cigler King of France Cukjati Franc Cvelbar Monika Cvirn Demetrius sandals Ambrose Demšar Danijel Devetak Jože Dežman Miha Dolenc Polona Dominik Jani Drnovšek Casnik Marijan Drobež Jani Družovec Jože The priest George Paul Sebastian Emeršič Erlah Aleš Ernecl Thomas Erzar Janez Eržen Franci Feltrin Igor Ferluga sandals D. Frelih Simon Furlan Luka G. Fox Matija Gabrovšek Mateja Gašperin Miro Germ Valery Grašič Jožko Gregorc Igor Boris Gregori Greif Greif Gregor Tamara Griesser Pečar L. Hammarskjöld Aleš Hojs Marko Iršič Mitja Iršič Slavisa sandals Ivanovic Thomas Ivešić Stane Jakelj Helena Jaklitsch Pavle Jakop Rok Jarc Imre Jerebic Marko Jerina Štefan Jernač Janez Juhant Blaz Karlin Kastelec Franci Kek Peter Kerec Ivo Kerže Jost Klemenc sandals Bogdan Knavs Milan Knep Rudi Kocjančič Marko Kocuvan Ambrose Kodelja Franci Koncilija Simon Korenjak Iva Koršič Ana Kos Miha Kovac Kosovel Andraz Matej Kovač Mojca Vili Kovacic sandals Danilo Kozoderc Gasper Kočan Marko Kremžar Irma Krečič Slejko Mojca Kucler Dolinar Peter Kuhar Ivan Kukar Jernej Kurinčič Jože Kurinčič Peter Lesnik Blaz Lah Tone Lesnik Jernej Letnar Černič Martin Lisec Jožica Ličen Andrej sandals Lokar S. Magdič Urska Makovec Matjaz Maležič Anton Malik Simon Malmenvall Tino Mamić Leon Marc Janko Aleš Maver Cat Alenka Marko Medved Mehle Thomas Merše Domen Mezeg Franc Mihič Janez Mihovec Milko Mikola Tilen Mlakar Miha Movrin Jože Možina Katarina Možina Peter Mrak Danijel Mrvoš Jože Muhovič Franci Mulec Andrej Naglič Michael Novak Deadline Novak Leon Cloud Matija Ogrin Stan
Home News Opinions rate in society Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Highlights of the day was observed in the lens Nature and Landscape Travelling rewrite artistic inspiration sandals Truth and Compassion
On Tuesday, 12 April 2011, in France, Act came into force with which Muslim women in public forbidden to wear burqa and niqab. The French public was torn about this. Some believe that this law fašistoiden (Star of David for Jews in Hitler's Germany), while others point to Islamic radicalism and terrorism, which is rooted in Sharia law. In France, sandals there are more than five million Muslims, who are in no way disadvantaged, sandals except for the most recent legislation referred to above.
Muslim women are familiar with as many as eight names for different upper garment, which one way or another sandals touching your face. Burke completely cover the whole body, especially the face, which is covered with a thick mesh fabric. Niqab is a milder form, where only the eyes exposed. The most radical clothing followed by Al - Amira, Cadore džilbab, šajla, Himar and hijab.
The new law provides for offenders to pay a fine in the amount of 150, those who will be forced Muslim women wearing the burqa and the niqab will have to pay 30,000 penalty or be imprisoned for one year. On the same day, when the new law came into force three Muslim women deliberately provoked the country and is dressed in a niqab (the eyes are visible), strolled in front of the famous church of Notre Dame in Paris. The police immediately arrested, and after a few hours of interrogation released. Muslims were not punished, the media have been declared a symbol of Islam in France. Dvaintridesetletna Kenza Drider after the release stated that this law violates their religious rights.
Related articles: Thin Belgian Parliament has one offense twice in the history. First, because they are in a country where Flemings sometimes sandals do not even speak with Valonci sandals ... Rome will "spokali" on an airplane and send them home to France today sent the first group of Roma after he broke their homes, back in Romania. 79 Roma who are willing to leave voluntarily will be rewarded ... the new French president Hollande sandals On Sunday, the French decided. The new president was elected 57-year-old socialist Francois Hollande, who has collected 51.6 percent of the votes in the second round of the presidential ... In France, twist to the left in Sunday's parliamentary elections in France Hollandeovi socialists together with the Greens won more than 46 percent votes, while Sarkozy Conservative Party won ...
The measure, sandals which was supported by a majority in parliament is needed. Closing of women in the garment is completely sandals unacceptable. It sounds that way they want, some women themselves say also that the mere fact of civilization and as such it must be respected and acknowledged. And yet shows that answer by saying this is not our civilization, in this space, it is necessary to comply with the criteria of our civilization.
21.4.2011 20:10
More: Highlights of the day
AUTHORS (archive) Select Author ... Mateja Mazgan sandals European sandals Slovenia Katja Anton Cingerle Urankar Simon Kravanja Ana Ana Gruden Jew Bogomir Štefanič Bartimaeus Helena Jaklitsch, Lenart Rihar Thomas Erzar and Katarina Kompan Erzar admin newspaper Ziga Andoljšek Arko Matej Andraz Avbelj Igor Bahovec Jože Bartolj Patricia Belak Government Berglez July BERTONCELJ Romana Bider Government Bizjak Gasper Blažič Mary Burnik Jernej Buzeti Tadej Buzeti Matthew Cerar Branko Cestnik sandals Janez Cigler King of France Cukjati Franc Cvelbar Monika Cvirn Demetrius sandals Ambrose Demšar Danijel Devetak Jože Dežman Miha Dolenc Polona Dominik Jani Drnovšek Casnik Marijan Drobež Jani Družovec Jože The priest George Paul Sebastian Emeršič Erlah Aleš Ernecl Thomas Erzar Janez Eržen Franci Feltrin Igor Ferluga sandals D. Frelih Simon Furlan Luka G. Fox Matija Gabrovšek Mateja Gašperin Miro Germ Valery Grašič Jožko Gregorc Igor Boris Gregori Greif Greif Gregor Tamara Griesser Pečar L. Hammarskjöld Aleš Hojs Marko Iršič Mitja Iršič Slavisa sandals Ivanovic Thomas Ivešić Stane Jakelj Helena Jaklitsch Pavle Jakop Rok Jarc Imre Jerebic Marko Jerina Štefan Jernač Janez Juhant Blaz Karlin Kastelec Franci Kek Peter Kerec Ivo Kerže Jost Klemenc sandals Bogdan Knavs Milan Knep Rudi Kocjančič Marko Kocuvan Ambrose Kodelja Franci Koncilija Simon Korenjak Iva Koršič Ana Kos Miha Kovac Kosovel Andraz Matej Kovač Mojca Vili Kovacic sandals Danilo Kozoderc Gasper Kočan Marko Kremžar Irma Krečič Slejko Mojca Kucler Dolinar Peter Kuhar Ivan Kukar Jernej Kurinčič Jože Kurinčič Peter Lesnik Blaz Lah Tone Lesnik Jernej Letnar Černič Martin Lisec Jožica Ličen Andrej sandals Lokar S. Magdič Urska Makovec Matjaz Maležič Anton Malik Simon Malmenvall Tino Mamić Leon Marc Janko Aleš Maver Cat Alenka Marko Medved Mehle Thomas Merše Domen Mezeg Franc Mihič Janez Mihovec Milko Mikola Tilen Mlakar Miha Movrin Jože Možina Katarina Možina Peter Mrak Danijel Mrvoš Jože Muhovič Franci Mulec Andrej Naglič Michael Novak Deadline Novak Leon Cloud Matija Ogrin Stan
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