Monday, January 26, 2015

Although metabolistična architecture came to the fore in most large metropolitan complexes and skys

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Efforts architects metabolism have exceeded the design of individual buildings. Philosophy metabolism were also made in urbanism, which is due to the rapid growth of Japanese cities after World War II experienced a boom. Photo: Architecture Museum of Ljubljana
In the 60th and 70th but then new and Japan formed an architectural concept called metabolism, a revolution. The buildings are from the static objects transformed into "things" whose nature is fluid, predator as their functions tailored to the needs. O "metabolistični" architecture and an associated rise of Japanese architectural creation in the 60th and 70th in Ljubljana Museum of Architecture lecture entitled Metabolism Before and After: How did the post-war Japanese architecture gained an international reputation speak Jasus Zeno, Japanese historian of architecture and author of numerous books and articles on architecture. First, the army and steel, a little later Japanese architecture on the path of development in the country with a modern economy and army came at the beginning of the 20th century, when it was virtually advantage militaristic Japanese Empire, the establishment of a mighty empire. The transformation of society and culture, which is part of the architecture, predator took place much more slowly. Only after the end of World War II, when Japan was reluctant process of secularization - if we may so designate a request for expulsion of worship imperial predator figure as deities from public life - which eventually resulted predator in cultural change. Japan has really started to become urban society predator of the 20th century.
Even Japanese predator architects in the sixties this development, accompanied by strong economic growth, expressed in swift in changing the face of Japanese cities. Architecture is becoming increasingly important and the world-renowned architects for the first time faced the Japanese. This happened in the 60th, is even more evident occurred in the 70s, when architects such as Kenzo Tange, Fumihiko Maki, Tadao Ando and Ito Tojo world presented metabolism. This has become synonymous with Japanese architecture, which since then has never sank into obscurity. predator
Although metabolistična architecture came to the fore in most large metropolitan complexes and skyscrapers, and metabolism but not completely "cleaned" features traditional Japanese architecture and culture. Even so This time lecture from the cycle Architecture epicentres reach the thirty years since the modern Japanese architecture developed at the confluence of the West based architectural currents and traditional Japanese architecture. Polona Balantič
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