or mathematics jules thorough discussion we have I think the truth no doubt get or truth in the universe? For example, 1 + 1 = 2, etc. Because it was seen from the human physical happens to be mathematical modeling "language that describes this world is a mathematical" Nante come out words. On the other hand, in theory of mind, language theory of Chomsky was able to mathematically modeling, but now has been criticized. Now I wonder if the laws of physics Yara theory of mind that becomes the foundation for alien such same thing as human beings? jules The human being must not be forgotten is is to focus on molecules and atoms, and probably because close to the space you have body and recognition. >> World 38 atoms and gravity I do What same absolute foundation with our physical laws you do not understand the world if you do not build a theory based on the needs and sense of atomic and gravity be feeling jules because jules to dominate the universe mechanism that govern on whether it So's space-time basis uniformitarianism to how describe the mechanism's alike alien, mathematics is alien to model in a convenient'm So mathematics as well from those of our different notation, etc. weaving I modeled to form a mathematics >> 51 No, the body to the body I'll communicates telepathically do not know is there was a way irregular intellectual organisms amoeba you are made of more than one mass, and no matter how much away, somewhere is crushed Satoshi not even conscious of trying not to begin with division also be moving around in search of nutrition because the thinking ability effects also have been thinking jules by using a weak radio waves flying over the space without iodine and (it was to no have not also been culled environment) Do not you think it would be good even How about gravity and impulse for this organism? Even if the felt example Did you me thinking pattern rejoice After me that I want to be by force why what's all mankind but also alien true that thought pattern Maybe another the concept of Toka mathematics at all Not a be able to doubt the logic? What is the logic? And than only have decided jules to own me, to these things jules such case? >> 57 It is simply What problem here Do not story of means of mutual understanding is Toka world recognition for the part that is alien intention itself, which is the communication >> Although only an ideal triangle for most strictly be realized jules of that delusion without 106 exist if you do not assume jules the "ideal" triangle abstract theory of geometry in its statement that can not be built, truly strictly has to be assumed triangle is very simple shapes formed by the intersection jules of a simple straight line for the construction of free geometry only in the sense that can not be realized in the real world and to understand the world representation format for the construction of physics require mathematics, including the concept of triangle etc. Different >> 123 This is I think the causal relationship is not a reason because reverse What do you mean? Specific and clearly explained to it Well, the first place reason that you can intuitively understand what aliens called "straight" Why Chapter? I of're jules saying things that need and not straight to understand the straight line if aliens such as poor natives of that is the premise head the alien is to form a high degree of civilization as we Although not see what the ideal straight, jules almost straight line to the extent that linear approximation is possible to perceive this in any number in the world, and to understand jules the straight line if it has a certain level of intelligence, jules the ideal "linear It is possible to assume a "is the concept >> 128 civilization, technology Toka those things words What was developed from our civilization that does not necessarily say me that alien the history pseudo human, jules such as tracing a human and I know you want to be traced to say me not absolute I was uncomfortable in itself >> 130 civilization, technology civilization in the form, such as has been our formation me not absolute and that mean technology is not universal,? In other words that mean aliens of human and equal to or greater than the intelligence was developed a civilization and technology in a different form? In that case, even understanding of the forces that govern jules the phenomenon of the universe, and logic and the laws of phenomena necessary technology to build the technology that governs the universe elucidation of the mechanism of the phenomenon, and the universe because that does not hold only in the form of using the principle It is because it is uniformitarianism >> 176 more clearly Anegai >> More of the world separator is different for each language if append jules to 196, but the sum of the world where language is also recognized jules differently to use the same So, it is believed that it is possible to translate even different languages universe But there is no guarantee that communicate can be that due to the language since there is no guarantee that the same (as had been using such things also alien to as) the world that you are recognized as assume a person, if limited to mathematics, mathematics Since such those that do not only describe things of the world of mathematics Yabe that are guaranteed fully's possible to translate also differ in if there representation to understand the math it would be tapeworm it would be alien (language), jules w to feel that it has become difficult to understand in extra to >> 227 liberty to answer in my opinion> Contact k> alien by me our mathematics and physics laws'm not at all absolutely the absolute laws of physics absolute or that has been demonstrated in the leave to mathematics at If If you have any math (language) meaning we also can understand> because it just because representation format's the same world you are writing jules castle in different in? the street> 1 + 1 = 2 and of the universe people language h7r ~Uu g Dji 0 follower 0 meaning represented by Even that is why it can be seen the same with? talk to me how do I'll translation between the universe human speech and the Earth math notation really is difficult likely be a different question from the mathematics and our math question me the same whether or not the alien is certainly >> 227 1 + 1 = 2 and of the universe people language h7r ~Uu g Dji 0 follower 0 meaning represented by Even that is why it can be seen the same with? If is not necessarily the same since the story that because there is a possibility that deal with subjects different jules to say that mathematics but intelligence or alien developed sufficiently like having civilization, such as 1 + 1 = 2 and will in the first place need So that kind of alien that you understand the number of operations are familiar with etc. Different languages 1 + 1 = 2, artificial, such as the alien is mathematics language that use of our If you're notation mathematics of language, the representation corresponding to 1 + 1 = 2 will have its alien >> 255> the first place to look from anyone like not a language Nante language that does not know of can not = meaning the translation, it is not a story me whether language? Symbol ( language) Tteyuu of what it means ex. What is meant word Tteyuu "cat" ex. What we recognize the cute animal meaning of quadruped called cat ex. The word me "cat" , holds begun aligned people are understood to mean a devilish animals with foul specific cuteness of quadrupeds for example, aliens h7r ~Uu g Dji 0 follower 0 (1 + 1 = 2) and somewhere in and wrote to, then since the extinction to the had is something to be aware of the meaning jules of the three eyes say above Once does not exist anywhere in the universe it h7r ~Uu In other words might be there is only a mere noise g Dji 0 follower 0 is previously for us to understand the universe human speech to be recognized symbol for 1 + 1 = 2, if after understanding the mere noise space human speech Maybe mathematics itself if there are organisms jules that have the intelligence that transcends the intelligence level of the human race there are guys that have the higher jules thinking that can not be further understood by me from even if-class For example, snow crystals become hexagonal if it meets a number of conditions. What is given, it would be nice to say that invariant in the range that can be seen by the human race at once the whole universe. I think problem is dark matter. Mankind also can not also be recognized that touch that look might have made up the physics of the constructed alien is still another system in the mysterious substance that say that there is weight. jules By the way, but I'm assured there is weight, dark matter and possibly slip through I, et al., After all, I'm likely not to touch. >> 84> that is that logic is absolutely? I wonder if favor here, if logic is probably being in the same space that the feeling that comes from the mechanism of the universe, jules more than >> 82> all must have the same consistent logic is derived from the axiom> Na would difference here that only only occur E of how to take of axioms jules and inference rules appear, That said I think that it is not surprising jules that even had a natural number concepts different from us different from the course Peano axioms, 1 + 1 = 2 much Though likely have in common what about the definition of per real, it might be us and have a different thing to the standard The Majiresu to the 1 + 1 = 2, born concept natural number the meaning of 1 and 2 when counting the number of original objects that holds from a defined in this way, when nothing jules a strict definition 0, when only one is 1 and is defined, further set and elements, set of natural numbers did on the definition of the operation symbol +, etc. and inclusion relationships jules and addition (and N) the 1 N (0,1 N by mathematics kind of) I was a N a + 1 N. Furthermore a N for using a decimal in providing a specific jules symbol, respectively, one of the number of positions 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9 (0 <1 <2 <... <9) I have defined a. This 1 + 1 = 2 holds trivially. I own it, but math is not known well in poor, there is a simple question. If you do not know I these things, what I do not know what Yara. For example, although is a simple question of (1) to (6). (1). Also of that vacuum energy that causes of inflation, the existing mathematics, I wonder can be elucidated in the 1 + 1 = 2? (2). Existing mathematics, 1 + 1 = 2 in wonder not to have recognized as only those specific jules things that made up a formula. (3). This (2). Answer, I wonder can prove in the formula. (4). Inside the case of a black hole, the existing mathematics, I wonder can be elucidated in the 1 + 1 = 2? (5). Multiverse and parallel world (parallel universe), the existing mathematics, I wonder can be elucidated in the 1 + 1 = 2? (6). Math experts, all of which I wonder if I really and can be elucidated in the formula, and, I wonder if you are trying to discover invention the mathematics that can be solved? I own it, but math is not known well in poor, there is a simple question. If you do not know I these things, what I do not know what Yara. For example, although is a simple question of (1) to (6). (1). Also of that vacuum energy that causes of inflation, the existing mathematics, I wonder can be elucidated in the 1 + 1 = 2? (2). Existing mathematics, 1 + 1 = 2 in wonder jules not to have recognized as only those specific things that made up a formula. (3). This (2). Answer, I wonder can prove in the formula. (4). Inside the case of a black hole, the existing mathematics, I wonder can be elucidated in the 1 + 1 = 2? (5). Multiverse and parallel world (parallel universe), the existing mathematics, I wonder can be elucidated in the 1 + 1 = 2? (6). Math experts, all of which I wonder if I really and can be elucidated in the formula, and, I wonder if you are trying to discover invention jules the mathematics that can be solved? 12 1 + 1 = 2 nature of the Tteyuu is a Peano axiom, the body I'm enough mathematical induction'm a guy What mathematical jules induction can understand the premise p (1) is correct p (n +1) When is correct this time one or more of the guy a little me everything is correct strict, I'm not all (only the range of natural numbers can be proved in this) What What can prove using this theory It is me can if it not become a story so Toka inflation can be explained 12 1 + 1 = 2 nature of the Tteyuu is a Peano axiom, the body I'm enough mathematical induction'm a guy What mathematical induction can understand the premise p (1) is correct p (n +1) is positive
Look at the modern Sino-Japanese Tripartite of culture every time the net, I think very funny when it finds the ignorant people of the remark. I'm not insulting the various thread main. But the history they say he does not have what one also correct. Japan It's garbage, but the extent that finally learned several thousand years from China. the watch And also of that of Japan country the watch name thing Lee world people gave. And, South Korea's friend of China. Let Japanese both copper Omoo, but we're friends. But otherwise, Korea decades ago are no longer exists. Riyo-min-Taizong (Tang) -wikipedia- Taejong (too much), the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty. In the second son of Koso Emperor Gaozu of Tang, and fights the country led mainly army to assist the father of Emperor Gaozu of Tang in turmoil at the end of the Sui, and destroyed the males, killing the brother of Lee TateNaru at Xuanwu Gate Incident after it was crowned emperor . Says Osamu Jogan, performs a good government that strengthen the watch the basis of Tang Dynasty, it is praised as one of China best ever ruler of virtue. And enjoy cheering once a day is welcome! 1. I thought whether attrition Americans stood phrase Chinese too even irony is too many. 2. Country name that phrase the watch Chinese Japan laughter came out to read to a place called something the watch that Lyot people gave. 3. I shall be deemed to be replaced Chinese attrition Lord wonder you have never read a book. Country name of Japan's what made the heaven Takenori. Wu Zetian -wikipedia- heaven Takenori (Busokuten), the Chinese history only Empress. It becomes Empress of Gojong of Tang, was built instead TakeAmane morning to Tang after. True name is shining (曌). Although many may be referred the watch to as a Zetian Wu (Sokuten Buko) in Japan, this name is the designation that emphasizes the fact that she was buried with a bow of Empress by their own wills. On the other hand the recent China, she that is called with an emphasis on the fact that was crowned as emperor "Wu Zetian" has become common. 4. Every time the phrase Chinese, in the film work of Sino-Japanese Tripartite, when you find the shadow of Qin of culture, I would warm feeling ... 5. I I'm very humble phrase is Chinese Japanese in my image. But Koreans ... 6. Phrase Chinese Japanese at least on the surface would be humble. Koreans ... we do not think my friend. Koreans I just do not want to be a war we and. 7. Phrase Chinese Japanese do not know the history. the watch Koreans do not know shame. 8. Phrase Chinese Japan knows the history. Not known the true history ... Hehehe. 9. It's the phrase Chinese melancholy! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Whether the watch China is not inferior to learned country in China? ? ? ? 10. The history of the legend of the phrase Chinese Japanese themselves whether they are not than has created say bullshit? It is not deceptive. Na to everyone opponent. 11. Phrase Chinese Japanese is something that was created to refer to the Chinese character. Japanese tea ceremony's what I learned from China. South Korea previously, was Koryo of China. OK? ? ? Do really nice to say just bullshit and did not support my country? Do you guys really Chinese? 12. Term Chinese language's a sound you leave naturally affected from humanity environment. And character is something that mankind has created. Italian everyone knows, French, German, etc. Spanish is based on the Latin. And English and German's source is Germanic. Latin characters are applied to all of the language in the phonetic characters. And Kanji's hieroglyphics. Chinese is I is derived from a character who invented. Because the watch it is applied to the Chinese, Japanese Nara period based on it, Prince Shotoku invented the Kana characters. And South Korea's did not have character until time of King Sejong of Korea Lee. 13. Shall be deemed to be replaced Chinese Korean'm not a "thing was to simplify the grass typeface of Kanji". I do a kind of phonetic characters. 14. Term "GUM" Chinese the watch lie just would talk of Korea Lee! Wajin is worth learning. They can penetration the watch the way of "win the enemy to learn the way of the enemy"! It's bullshit about "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword"! Jewel in the Palace -wikipedia- "Dae Jang Geum" (Jewel in Chan GUM of nearly, original title Korean: Dae now (대장금)) is 2004 from September the watch 15, 2003 in South Korea MBC 3 broadcast television drama to the moon 30 days. The Chrysanthemum the watch and the Sword -wikipedia- "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" and (hear and Na hardness, Original title: The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture) is, by the US cultural anthropologist Ruth Benedict, cultural anthropology that explains the Japanese culture of a copyright. 15. I thought that reminds me of the Chu Hsi term Chinese. Akane has diminished the Song of people from Qin in "読唐 aspirations". It is said, "Mencius is submerged, HijiriManabu was lost." Only those of Qin era is a good culture, is likely not worth those after. I'm biased thinking. Chu Hsi -wikipedia- the watch Chu Hsi (gist October 18, 1130 (Ken-en four years September 15) - April 23, 1200 (Kei-moto 1994 March 9)) is Confucian scholar of China Song Dynasty. 1130 (4 years Ken-en), born in South Tsurugi-shu the watch Youxi County (Fujian current), 1200 (Kei-moto), and died and at stop Kou TateYo (current Fujian). Is Zhongxing's Confucianism tried to systematization of Confucianism, is a founder of Neo-Confucianism of the so-called the watch "new Confucianism". 16. It does not extend the watch to the thread main even if combined phrase Chinese Sino-Japanese Tripartite. 17. Phrase Chinese You're a little shortsighted. Just order a wonderful "can Sino-Japanese!" 18. I wonder the watch though was established diplomatic relations with South Korea finally to the phrase Chinese in 1992. 19. Shall be deemed to be replaced and I'm Chinese the watch weird! What is interesting the watch is Japan and South Korea love love. Throughout the day, South Korea Donokono, but Japan says Donokono, China is what's royal road! ! You guys would be Chinese! Be laughed at in such a thing. 20. Korean star there are many people that I like about crazy in the phrase Chinese modern Chinese youth. I wish their ancestors do not know someone. the watch Twenty one. And because it is that ordinary prefer the phrase Chinese fashion the watch culture. I also like to watch the Tara show of Korea. But I only see her their videos as idle. But some people Hey seems like about Korean star dies ... 22. The Omoto of the phrase Chinese three countries of the culture I because the same. Big distinction not do it. Also it after Ming the distinction is increased. 's A South Korea and Japan likes of age flow, something flows to change. Might change in Chinese-style after some years in the future. Young people is something that follow the epidemic. We Han did not fall even enters a myriad of outside ethnic. I do also of the adaptation to ethnic to adversity. If you do not that we own, such as afflict the relatives, it is not plagued us also others. Twenty three. Shall be deemed to be replaced Chinese small Korea'm that's Korean to Confucius and Indian the watch Buddha of China? Twenty four. Do not know the shameless guys about Korean and Chinese phrase Japanese. 26. Shall be deemed to be replaced Chinese 5,000 years of culture grew finally great pride. funny, funny, sad, 嘆 ... 27. Is there Nante own history in the phrase Chinese Bo-ko? 28. I heard the phrase from Chinese Korea has a history of 9000 years. It's so is written in the textbook. [Sad news] Hokkaido is dangerous seems ... Chinese in Gachi "go cited reason I is like Japan. Objection Al?" "Attrition main of as say!" Reaction of China [sad news] new menu of Matsuya the watch is extremly high LDP teens victory is Buchigire wwwwwwwww the watch [Video] Tamogami candidate, I perish many times What China but vote counting the watch landscape of Tokyo 12 wards say Toka history of China four thousand to topic? Maxim What about knowing Knowing become hate country "Korea" is, by I think the same for Chinese w In Japan of the base high school students, China and has been a clear distinction and Well China and ordinary humanity the concept itself the watch of first place history for South Korea will have knowledge of history than medium-sized university of Korea I because Japan is not a so CJK have been left in large quantities is literature. Would come out the difference of knowledge about the history is tremendous Nde to so Japan I was also or used in the Korean Peninsula, should have been used since ancient times in the sense Te Higashi~tsu In other ~ probably >> 1 Chong past The Hisshidana and I had a bright red face with guys every day delusion. (Nose Hojihoji What in Shina I guess raised the country of Japan (where the climb of the sun) or that? Moreover, their settlement is a fool and w further the watch "I Na live w misunderstanding to fool location sinking the watch of the day?" At a time when it had been claiming themselves as Shina (frontier supporting) w 180456 It sunrise submerged Ru A than was discomfort in that it was going to stand in Tenshi and equal footing does not matter Anything Urinara origin - "country name that Japan Baekje origin Nida" (Chosun Ilbo or JoongAng Ilbo article) the watch anything the watch Datang origin - "say Japan country name of Tang Taizong (Riyo-min) is origin Al" At one time there were Chinese it is and Chinese ethnic chauvinism illusion in mob rule of the original even as China if there Na w while away also collapse illusion What is better has become democratic politics than South Korea, white hair three thousand length is me phase 俟 the spirit victory Law , I to will increase to irrational origin also Korea par, time series of thinking, even Forget logic properties and integrity of lack, will more surfaced. Just South Korea and North Korea to subdue the (only), specific the watch Asian civilization of colonial power. I wonder the watch w not Well not confirm what is to country name of Japan ish it was to love renamed person you see theory the watch funny to my w wiki those who made heaven Takenori Large Qing genus Goryeo national flag ... Cena who also peninsula who also'm living the ages No, this is "Ryukyu" is the same as happens is called from China, actually "Japan" is also right to'm fact me of the country name given from China will recognize that fact stubbornly recognition and the Chinese that as to not the first place, but I in China rather than the concept of other nations, dynasty only one neighboring countries nation governing the Nakahara China in the world is unexpected just a group of barbarians to pay tribute in accordance with the Nakahara of champion country name begins past all kanji character neighboring countries from "summer" means "Korea" and "Annam" "Tartarian" such as all more than two characters this is automatically and Chinese other distinction and hierarchy of central dynasty So rather ancient Japanese So people of how to call was bad conveniently called "Yamato" China "Japan" gave a nickname to our "Japan" and two had to character also clear Chinese and archipelago of up and down relationship This is because it is put in other words Japan that mean was only in satellite countries orbiting of China from the national establishment Great country is occupied by one year with little to such garbage Japanese, China. To survive country like remora as of feces of parasite-goldfish, South Korea. the watch I originally Wa and Japan is another country I? So said braze? Large Korean Cena By the way, me Ne teach only'm not ancient history the watch also Korea level of fucking like a Mont only modern history Shina is, then the Japanese side has declared as "Yoroshiku~u ~ Because I like a Japanese" also Ya frequently "Yamato" "Toi" and of stupid that we have barrage "barbarian tribe" and discrimination term Shina, the Japanese side, "you guys Tenshi, I like the Emperor. know was whether?" the watch "length of Toi" frequently the Emperor even after the said discriminatory terms were not you if current as grumble large Koreans both barrage as was "king of Ebisu-shu" of it, ancient Sina gave the name "Japan" (laughs), then the above enemy Why So Naa'm writing me Japan honestly you do not call in the way call, when Empress law Tenmu after horror say it whether called wrote that "Japan", in view of the Asian situation at the time, Sina Japan I have small number the watch fool you are paranoid detection value Moving defended because I did not want to turn on, it becomes like a large Korean the watch Cena people unless Yo such study is to you, etc. Tama Or came to finally bottom'll do net even China surprised. Too too level is low "The Chinese gave the culture in Japan" Jan rip-off of the Toka Chinese may say I Chinese culture and Buddhism also India and west of the country culture. And also to the reverse export the word of Chinese characters in China Japan, DVD Blu-ray Disc, LCD TV, LED,
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"In cropp the future, we will strive to expand the acquisition and product lines of the major products and unrelated companies. We are marketing professional. Potential is involved not even there, the did not brand it to see the light of day ever and I'd like to wake up from sleep. Our strength is the ability to solve problems. It is not the management of those already established. " Even if not exchanged Nante "contract, happening any problems, only when you can not resolve absolutely, and I do is about lawyers come out. The era of Japanese had trust in each other and the cost arising from the distrust was lower. The thing is unexpectedly, but he easily overlooked, wonder if not was a factor in the success of Japan, you may feel that. " The reason for Starbucks CEO happens to 4:30 every morning, "the history of the 21st century cropp is made in the morning." posted on 8 月 14 日 年 2014 after five years, the boss gone, you will belong to more than one company. posted on 11 月 24 日 年 2014 Google CEO "After 20 years, you would Mochimo, I hope Mai but most has been intercepted by the machine. of the current cropp work," the posted on 11 月 3 日 年 2014 iPhone Charger At the time you take them to the bedroom, you and the other managers disqualified by posted on 8 月 2 日 年 2014 Evernote CEO "80% of companies with a history of over 100 years in the world's Japanese companies!" it by number of Do not take away the human touch from the workplace cropp more. posted on 9 月 25 日 年 2014 Best story and create a content company About Us Privacy Policy