Monday, October 13, 2014

(Is 55,6-9) Seek the Lord while a can be found, call upon Him, dopki is near! Let bezbony plus size

(Is 55,6-9) Seek the Lord while a can be found, call upon Him, dopki is near! Let bezbony plus size dresses abandon plus size dresses czowiek s way and the unrighteous his thoughts. Let nawrci up to the Lord, and He zmiuje plus size dresses up on him, and to our God, when will abundantly pardon. Because confuses my mylami are not your nor your ways my ways - declares the Lord. For as the heavens Gruja over the earth, plus size dresses so are my ways - above your ways and my mistake - the mylami yours.
(Phil 1,20c-24.27) Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to y - is Christ, and to die - it's profit. If in fact y in the body - it's plus size dresses fruitful work for me, what should I choose? I can not tell. With dwch pages Experience an insistence: anxious young, and that with Christ is far better, leave for the body - it is more needful for you. Only let up in sposb worthy of the gospel of Christ.
(Matthew 20,1-16a) Krlestwo heaven is like the owner, who came out early in the morning to the most robotnikw for his vineyard. Umwi up with the laborers for a denarius for the day and posa them into his vineyard. When you came out approximately three o'clock, plus size dresses see other stojcych idle in the marketplace, and rivers to them Idcie and into my vineyard, and what will suszne, I will give you. They went. Wyszedszy again approximately an hour szstej and Dziewit, just do it. When you came out approximately the eleventh hour, meet other stojcych and ask them: Why do you stand here idle all day? They said to him: Because no one us most. Rivers them Idcie into the vineyard! And when nadszed wieczr, rivers, your host winery to his rzdcy: Zwoaj robotnikwi from w naleno them, starting from the last and the first! Prospective heaviest approximately eleven hours and received the denarius. plus size dresses When wic came first, myleli that Get more; but they received the denarius. Wziwszy it, they murmured against the host, mwic: These last have worked plus size dresses one hour, and zrwnae them with us, ktrzymy endured Weight day and the scorching heat. It Said, one of them, Friend, does not hurt you; if not for a denarius umwie up with me? In what is yours and go away! I want these and the latter will give as much as you. Am I not allowed to do with her what they want? Is it zym eye look that I am good? So the last will be first and the first last.
Boegruj wrong on our mylami and His ways above our ways. Today's Gospel about the host, who just rewards robotnikw pracujcych for many hours, and those ktrzy doczyli at the last minute, maybe born in us reflex rebellion. "Are you a zym eye look that I am good?" - Asks the host. Gd wants to save us all, also those ktrzy our opinion it is not a completely deserves. Waiting for choby one flicker of a broken heart to adopt and heal them. If the excess of his goodness and patience us worse, mdlmy up to teach us to look at others and ourselves through his eyes - miosiernie. (BP)
At first glance, the decision winery run by the owners of KCI up with our sense of justice. According to all rules of economics, common sense and justice, for bigger work should a bigger Zapata, and certainly no longer supports and rewards must be cunning and nierbstwa.
Meanwhile plus size dresses Both the host treated equally those ktrzy in the scorching heat of the sweat czoai worked from morning to evening, as well as those ktrzy zdyli barely touched up boxes. Of course, you can not blame the city to the latter, that until the end of the day he goes up the job, though may naleaoby plus size dresses ask where they were the morning and midday . But suszny that criticism and indignation these zmczonych and worked robotnikw, ktrzy had a lazy time. They have done a whole work, and I must have them much pain this "good" host, who does not adjust for wkadu work.
So is a matter of purely human point of view. But the point of view of God is different. And it does not mean that unfair. Because the subject of the parables do not s principles of justice SOCIAL whether the laws of economics, nor even the standard moralnoci evangelical nakazujce generosity towards the poor and disadvantaged. Gwnym subject parables of the laborers in the vineyard is salvation.
Remember that it bya addressed to ydw, and can Especially for faryzeuszw - cho direct context indicates, however Apostow. Ot all of them who considered that due to the own religion, przynaleno plus size dresses to the chosen people, keeping przepisw rights, prayer and many other przejaww devoutness, May guaranteed salvation itself up, almost automatically, under the "principles of economics": for good works should plus size dresses be a good Zapata. They rocili plus size dresses claim to the highest Zapata, because in his opinion, made to gain the maximum gain heaven. In fact, Bg - Savior, Miosierny Father, not to them for anything you need.

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