So many - both adults and children - suffer from more infections winter. Perhaps repeated bart throat infections or otitis bart media. For some, simple respiratory infections even develop into chronic respiratory diseases. It is certainly a symptom picture bart I see among many of my clients in the winter.
Repeated infections you suffer (or your children) with recurrent infections? Ie, you have the flu, colds or other infections 3-4 times during a winter? So you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue means that the adrenal glands bart can not produce enough hormones, especially cortisol hormone. Adrenal fatigue is thought to be one of the most under-diagnosed bart health problems and it is estimated that up to 90% of the population in the Western world has an insufficient production of adrenal hormones (adrenal fatigue / adrenal fatigue)
The adrenal glands produce steroid hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, aldosterone, testosterone and DHEA. The adrenal glands are part of a larger endocrine system in the body, which helps to regulate, inter alia, fluid balance, blood sugar levels, sex hormones, fight-flight response, the immune system, etc.
People suffering from adrenal fatigue, does not produce enough of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. One of cortisol main features include bart to help the body cope with stress factors such as diseases, surgeries and infections. bart
There are many different stages of adrenal fatigue, ranging from mild fatigue to severe and rare binyresygdomme, as Cushing's syndrome and Addison where the adrenal glands produce extremely low doses of adrenal hormones.
Test yourself The best way to find out if you suffer from tired adrenal glands is to measure the steroid cortisol. The content in the blood fluctuate greatly throughout the day and must therefore be examined at different times. A single measurement has no value. Kortisolmængden is best measured in a saliva sample Do you feel that you have to drag you through the day? Are you more tired than you used to be? Do you suffer bart from a chronic illness / imbalance in the body? In virtually all chronic imbalances (allergies, eczema, arthritis, etc) seen adrenal fatigue. Do you need caffeine or sugar to keep you going? Do you need caffeine to get going in the morning? Do you have big cravings for sugar or salty things? Is your sex drive set up? Are you very tired in the morning? Do you have difficulty getting to bed at night or trouble bart falling asleep? Are you feeling sad or numb? Maybe mildly depressed? Are you stressed out faster than you did before? Do you get sick more often and take longer to recuperate from illness? Darkened bart often for your eyes when you stand up suddenly? Do you have low blood pressure? Is your blood sugar unstable? Do you find it difficult to stay focused? Do you have memory problems? If you lose the thread often when talking? Are you drained of energy by 15-16 times? Do you get more energy after 18?
Common causes of adrenal fatigue are: Disease states in the body eg. severe or recurrent pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, cancer, AIDS, autoimmune diseases, vaccinations and other diseases. Physical stress such as operations, poor nutrition, abuse, injuries, fatigue, lack of sleep, etc. Emotional stress due mobnig, relationships with family and friends, work or psychological origin. Everyday stress, deadlines, etc. Environment-related stress by example. toxic chemicals and other pollutants in water, air, clothing or food. Food allergy or intolerance
Adrenal fatigue is a highly under-diagnosed condition and too often Adrenal underlying cause of a wide range of diffuse symptoms. Unfortunately, too few physicians today pay attention to making this diagnosis, despite the large amount bart of research bart that will eventually be found in the area.
Tips to strengthen your adrenal glands and give you new energy 1 Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Drink smoothies and juices with greens for breakfast, salads and freshly squeezed juice of greens. Eat large salads for every meal. 2 Lack of vitamins and minerals. Especially B12, vitamin D3 and iron deficiency can cause extreme fatigue. Vitamin D we get from the sun's bart rays and therefore most Danes in the absence winter. 3 Avoid completely energy bart robbers example as white bread, sugar, soda, excessive intake of starchy products, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. 4 Exercise: Move it every day to oxygenate the body's cells and brain, but do not train hard or long in adrenal fatigue. Train rather short and intense. 5 Ease of mind. Grow relaxing forms of exercise, such as. yoga. Listen to an evening visualization before bed. 6 Sleep. Remember to get between 7-9 hours of continuous sleep in a completely dark room in order to be well rested the next day. Go to bed before time. 22 7 Grease. All steroid hormones, such as cortisol formation of cholesterol, so it is important bart to get good, saturated bart fats in the diet. For example, organic, churned butter bart (in
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