Thursday, September 18, 2014

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Love Story Brings Heaven | ocyrosyidah's Blog
Al-Mubarrid mention von maur of Abu Kamil of ibn Ishaq Ibrahim of the King 'Amr von maur ibn al-Nakha'I, he said, "It is in Kufa, there is a handsome young man, he was very diligent and obedient. One time he visited the village of Bani An-Nakha '. He saw a beautiful woman of them so that she falls in love and in love. And it turns out her love for the beautiful woman was unrequited. Because I had fallen in love, the young man finally sent someone to apply for the girl. But the father reported that his daughter had been dojodohkan with his cousin.
However, the love they can not go out even more blazing. The woman finally send a message through to the young man, saying, 'I have to know how much you love me, and how great I tested also with you. If you agree, I will visit you or I would ease the way for you to come see me at my house. ' Answered by the young man through von maur his behest, 'I do not agree with the two alternatives, actually I was afraid if I commit adultery in Rabbku will torment is going to happen von maur on the big day. I'm von maur afraid of the fire and the flames never shrink kobaranya von maur never extinguished. ' When the message is delivered to the woman, he said, "However, apparently he's still afraid of God? By Allah, no one is more entitled to be devoted to God than anyone von maur else. All slaves are equally entitled to it. "
Then he left the affairs of the world and get rid of the bad deeds and begin to worship closer to Allah. von maur However, he still had feelings of love and longing in his youth. Her body began to thin as holding longing, until finally he died because of it. And the young man often make pilgrimages to his grave, von maur he wept and mendo'akanya.
One time he fell asleep on her grave. He dreamed met her lover with excellent von maur appearance. von maur In the dream he had asked, "How are you? And what do you get when you die? "He replied," The best people to ask, O love, is love. A love that can mengiring towards goodness. "He asked," If so, then where are you headed? "He replied," I am now heading to the enjoyment and endless life.
Eternity in Heaven that can be had and can never be broken. "The young man said," I hope you always remember me there, because I am here also do not forget you. "He replied," By Allah, I did not forget you. And I ask my Lord and your Lord (Allah) so that we could later be collected. So, help me in this regard with kesungguhanmu in worship. "Young man asked," When can I see you? "The woman replied:" Soon you will come to see us. "Seven days after the dream was over, the young man was called by God into their presence, has died. Hmm, a great love story with an appointment based in heaven. Incredible.
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