Friday, May 2, 2014

Outputs participants held the following topics: dance production; Ethnic output; catwalk in evening

Lviv College of Light Industry Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, one of the top restaurants in the industry, nb which already produces a '68 specialized professionals. This facility professionals concerned not only about quality education, nb but also on cultural development. December 12, 2012 at 15.00 hrs. the College hosted the annual contest "Pearl of Beauty" timed births Day nude school. The program of the competition included nb not only the fashion show participants, but the performances nb of other talented students of vocal and choreographic. This contest nb is discovered young, creative individuals skilled not only in terms of their professional activity, but also in general in the "fashion industry".
Outputs participants held the following topics: dance production; Ethnic output; catwalk in evening dresses; show clothes from the cabin Uliana Brabash, wedding dresses from the salon "Empire style".
The competition was attended by such famous designers and stylists as Juliana Barabash - designer fashion, lily Sagan - designer Nazar Holodzhun - Head Dance School "Fortuna Dance", George Havadze - stylist and hairdresser. The winner of the contest were: 2nd Vice-Miss nb - stroking Mary, 1st Vice-Miss - Shulgan Christine, Miss Photos - Sofia Hops, Miss Charm - Maria Levkovych. A victory in the competition Zvarych received Natalia.

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