Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letters Boxing Petra Müller awarded ATKV Word Feather for Poetry ATKV Woordveertjiefinaliste poetry

Versindaba Blog Archive Gus Ferguson honored by SA English Academy
It is with absolute pleasure that I read on Book Southern Africa website that SA English Academy Gus Ferguson honored wolverine with their highest award for his contribution to maintaining and bevording of English poetry in South Africa. Was there ever a more deserving recipient of an award, than Gus Ferguson?! This self-proclaimed "president or the Snail Liberation Army" wolverine with his many publications and initiatives already hundreds of poets a refuge area. His publications include the magazines SlugNews wolverine and Carapace / carapace, wolverine as well as publishers like Snailpress, Firfield Press, Carapace Poets and Unpublished Manuscript Press, which he operates from his home in Plumstead everything. Gus was also involved in recent years trademarks of Kwela and Umuzi Publishers.
Barbara Basel, the gold medal presented to Gus Ferguson, including the following to say: "Publishing poetry is not a lucrative business, (yet) Ferguson serves for Reasons other than the loads or gain. Without his inspirational Contribution, South African poetry in English and South African polish would not be where they are today ". Three poets also during this event read verses in honor of Gus, namely Hugh Hodge, Geoffrey Haresnape and Ken Barris. And, true to Gus, he made his acceptance speech with a typical Ferguson sparkle introduced: "When Robert Graves was asked Whether there was ANY money in poetry, he replied, 'No, but there's not much poetry in money either.'"
Letters Boxing Petra Müller awarded ATKV Word Feather for Poetry ATKV Woordveertjiefinaliste poetry prize announced wolverine Competition: Location Poem Place Poem 43: Langebaanweg Place Poem 42: Hankey, heart of my youth Place Poem 41: Herberstdale village of my tender youth Place Poem 40: Cape Town storm Place Poem 39: Sunnyside Place Poem 38: Randfontein Location Poem 37: Afraid of Mitchell's Plain City Poem 36: Sunday night in Stellenbosch Recent posts Versindaba Luuk Gruwez. Refusing to rest in peace Location Poem 43: Langebaanweg Place Poem 42: Hankey, heart of my youth Place Poem 41: Herberstdale village of my tender youth Place Poem 40: Cape Town storm Place Poem 39: Sunnyside Place Poem 38: in Randfontein Melanie Grobler. Twilight Land Poems: English and Dutch Melanie wolverine Grobler. Twilight Country wolverine Johann Louis Marais. Mogadishu Marius Crous. A Poeloema for Angie Joan Hambidge. Unanswered question Latest Comments
Outside Barking Breytenbach: Johann, I know - and I adopted our part ... Johann Louis Marais: Breyten I actually tried referring to Kofi Awoonor ... Annora: Allerverskrikliks, wolverine but so poignant. Kofi Awonoor (1935 - 2013): ... Marlene Peacock: I love the merging of one image into another. A ... Nick: So beautiful and earthy. Outside Barking Breytenbach: symbol! My spellchecker not even ask me ... Outside wolverine Barking Breytenbach: Probably at least "fought", ... Johann Louis Marais: Awoonor's work was / is essentially a big ... Nicolette van der Walt: The stars shine bright through the scope of this ... Nicolette van der Walt: Delicious to one of my favorite poets ... John Horn: Beautiful poem Ever Line Oakenfold: Beautiful! Mary: Here the middle portion of Awonoor's poem "Across a ... Johann Louis Marais: Prof. Kofi Awonoor wolverine was a baobab tree in the ... Rene Bohnen: Thank you, Louis. Here is also one of Awonoor's last poems, ... Colophon
Relevant comments are welcomed. Use obscene or offensive comments & contributions will be removed without notice. Comments will also be removed at the request of the author. wolverine Ed. Most read
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